I'm tring to find max()
on a subset of initial data before laying out an item of a LazyRow
. The subset will consist of only visible items and I need to read firstVisibleItemIndex
without triggering recompositions.
Related code:
fun TestComposable(modifier: Modifier = Modifier) {
val scrollState = rememberLazyListState()
val dataList = mutableListOf<Int>().apply {
repeat(100) {
val windowSize = 4
state = scrollState
) {
key = { index, item -> index }) { index, item ->
val firstIndex = scrollState.firstVisibleItemIndex // <-- Observable and causes recompositions
val endIndex = firstIndex + windowSize
val lastIndex = if (endIndex > dataList.size - 1)
dataList.size - 1
val max = dataList
.subList(firstIndex, lastIndex) // For simplicity let it be sublist here
How should I access firstVisibleItemIndex
value without recompositions?
To access firstVisibleItemIndex without triggering recompositions in a LazyRow, you can use LaunchedEffect with a snapshotFlow. This approach observes changes to scrollState.firstVisibleItemIndex and updates a MutableState or performs computations as needed without directly tying the observable value to composable recompositions.
Here’s how you can implement it:
fun TestComposable(modifier: Modifier = Modifier) {
val scrollState = rememberLazyListState()
val dataList = mutableListOf<Int>().apply {
repeat(100) {
val windowSize = 4
// State to hold the max value
val maxForVisibleItems = remember { mutableStateOf(0) }
// Launch a side effect to observe firstVisibleItemIndex changes
LaunchedEffect(scrollState) {
snapshotFlow { scrollState.firstVisibleItemIndex }
.collect { firstIndex ->
val endIndex = firstIndex + windowSize
val lastIndex = if (endIndex > dataList.size - 1) dataList.size - 1 else endIndex
maxForVisibleItems.value = dataList.subList(firstIndex, lastIndex).maxOrNull() ?: 0
state = scrollState
) {
itemsIndexed(dataList, key = { index, item -> index }) { index, item ->
Text(maxForVisibleItems.value.toString()) // Use the precomputed max value
Using snapshotFlow
The snapshotFlow observes changes to the firstVisibleItemIndex without causing recompositions.
It captures the value of scrollState.firstVisibleItemIndex in a coroutine.
Updating State in LaunchedEffect
Inside the collect block, compute the max for the visible items and update maxForVisibleItems.
This ensures that the computation runs only when firstVisibleItemIndex changes.
Displaying the Max Value: The Text composable uses the precomputed value from maxForVisibleItems, avoiding unnecessary recompositions due to direct observation of firstVisibleItemIndex.
Handling Edge Cases: If the list is empty or the computation yields no results, maxOrNull ensures safe handling with a default fallback.