In a while conditional I am read-assigning and then testing a variable as boolean expression.
Let's say I am reading a file and want to discard lines that are comments. Yet the following does not enter the loop. The puts never prints.
while {[gets $fp line] >= 0 && [regexp {^#} $line] ==0} {
puts "Got valid data"
Seems the gets assignment of line and it's evaluation can't be in the same conditional. Is that corroborated in TCL spec?
For sure this one works but I would have liked to do the conditional in one statement.
while {[gets $fp line] >= 0 } {
if {[regexp {^#} $line] == 0 } {
puts "Got valid data"
as per @glennjackman, logic is flawed.
here's a trivial example using a function to read/filter input
cat gert.tcl
#!/usr/bin/env tclsh
proc filteredRead {fstream lineVar prune} {
upvar $fstream handle;
upvar $lineVar line;
upvar $prune filter; #skip lines matching this regexp
while {[gets $fstream line] >= 0} {
if {[regexp $prune $line]} {
return 1
return 0
if {$argc == 0} {
puts "Usage: $argv0 <filename> [filter (default is ^#)]"
exit 1
set filename [lindex $argv 0]
set filter {^#}; # default filter is comment lines
if {$argc == 2} {
set filter [lindex $argv 1]
if {![file readable $filename]} {
puts "Error: File '$filename' does not exist or is not readable."
exit 1
set handle [open $filename r]
set line ""
puts "\nfiltering lines matching: \[$filter\]"
while {[filteredRead $handle line $filter]} {
puts "\[$line\]"
close $handle
#invoke against an simple test file
cat input
# i'm a comment, skip me
print me
# i'm also comment, skip me
and me
# skip me
# and me
i will be printed
# i'll be skipped
./gert.tcl input
filtering lines matching: [^#]
[print me ]
[and me]
[i will be printed]
hope this helps.