In my document, I have an array
of notes. Each note has the writer, the note text, etc. I wrote the notes using a class called Note
. I would like to pull just the notes from the document
and convert them into a List
of Notes
Here is the data structure for the Note
Here is the Note
class, with its converter .fromFirestore
class Note {
String? filingId;
final String name;
final String note;
final String writerId;
Timestamp? noteDate;
Note ({
required this.filingId,
required this.writerId,
required this.note,
required this.noteDate,
Map<String, dynamic> toFirestore() {
return {
'name': name,
'writerId': writerId,
'note': note,
'noteDate': noteDate
factory Note.fromFirestore(
DocumentSnapshot<Map<String, dynamic>> snapshot,
SnapshotOptions? options,) {
final data =;
return Note(
noteDate: data?['noteDate'],
name: data?['name'],
writerId: data?['writerId'],
note: data?['note'],
And here is the FilingData
class, which includes the notes as an array. It also has a converter .fromFiretore
class FilingData {
// This is the data for an entry in the timeline.
Timestamp? createDate;
String? filingId;
final String jurisdiction;
final String filingName;
String? frequency;
Timestamp? nextDueDate;
final String method;
String? autoAssign;
List<dynamic>? notes;
Timestamp? updateDate;
FilingData ({
required this.createDate,
required this.jurisdiction,
required this.filingName,
required this.frequency,
required this.nextDueDate,
required this.method,
required this.autoAssign,
required this.updateDate,
factory FilingData.fromFirestore(
DocumentSnapshot<Map<String, dynamic>> snapshot,
SnapshotOptions? options,) {
final data =;
return FilingData(
createDate: data?['createDate'],
jurisdiction: data?['jurisdiction'],
filingName: data?['filingName'],
frequency: data?['frequency'],
nextDueDate: data?['nextDueDate'],
method: data?['method'],
autoAssign: data?['autoAssign'],
updateDate: data?['updateDate'],
notes: data?['notes'] is Iterable ? List.from(data?['notes']) : null);
Here is my current code to get the notes. But it does not work. First, I try to get the entire FilingData object. Then I try to pull the notes using dot-notation. Debugging shows that notesList
(where I try to pull the notes using dot-notation) is null
. So I'm guessing my method using dot-notation does not work. How should I do it instead? And do I have to get the full FilingData
(which includes the notes array) or can I just pull the notes array?
Future<List<Note>> getAllNotes(String filingId) async {
var ref = _db.collection('filings').doc(filingId).withConverter(
fromFirestore: FilingData.fromFirestore,
toFirestore: (FilingData, _) => FilingData.toFirestore(),
final docSnap = await ref.get();
var notesList =;
List<Note> allNotes = [];
// for (int i = 0; i < notesList!.length; i++) {
// Note thisNote = Note(name: notesList[i].name, appUserId: notesList[i].appUserId, note: notesList[i].note, noteDate: notesList[i].noteDate);
// allNotes.add(thisNote);
// }
return allNotes;
So after working on it further, I was able to do it. But it's not very elegant. First, I noticed that the FilingData
class did not require
the notes array
. So I made that required
. The following code now works:
FilingData ({
required this.createDate,
required this.jurisdiction,
required this.filingName,
required this.frequency,
required this.nextDueDate,
required this.method,
required this.autoAssign,
required this.notes,
required this.updateDate,
Future<List<Note>> getAllNotes(String filingId) async {
var ref = _db.collection('filings').doc(filingId).withConverter(
fromFirestore: FilingData.fromFirestore,
toFirestore: (FilingData, _) => FilingData.toFirestore(),
final docSnap = await ref.get();
List<Note> allNotes = [];
// Check to see if there are any notes...
if ( != null) {
List? notesList =!.toList();
for (int i = 0; i < notesList!.length; i++) {
Note thisNote = Note(
filingId: filingId,
name: notesList[i]["name"],
writerId: notesList[i]["writerId"],
note: notesList[i]["note"],
noteDate: notesList[i]["noteDate"]);
return allNotes;