
Is there a cross-platform way to determine if a device is powered via PSU or external battery in C?

I'm trying to wisely choose presentation modes for my Vulkan C program depending on the device and need a cross-platform script to determine if:

Both solutions are targeted to check for MAILBOX mode if battery is not present, otherwise check for RELAXED FIFO, so any of two solutions will fit my needs.

I know I can use macros to check if the device is Android or Apple with __ANDROID__ and __APPLE__, and also get battery status with WinAPI GetSystemPowerStatus(), but I don't wanna stick to some platforms writting application on Vulkan...

Is there a cross-platform way to check for presence of either Power Supply or Laptop/Phone battery?


  • There's a cross-platform way to check for battery status with SDL/SDL2/SDL3 with SDL_GetPowerInfo() in <SDL/SDL_power.h>. Then you can compare the status with SDL_PowerState enumerations, for instance:

    SDL_PowerState systemPowerState = SDL_GetPowerInfo(NULL, NULL);
    if (systemPowerState == SDL_POWERSTATE_NO_BATTERY)
        // check for mailbox
        // check for relaxed_fifo