I have the following list and dataframe:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({
'name': ['alice','bob','charlie'],
'a0': [25,26,27],
'b0': [10,11,12],
'c0': [3,4,5],
from this i want to build a new dataframe in which the first column is the original and the others are modified according to the operations in the list:
name a0+b0 a0-c0 b0*c0 a0+c0
alice 35 22 30 28
bob 37 22 44 30
charlie 39 22 60 32
I have developed the formula in R, but now i want to translate it to python:
Formula<-strsplit(formul, split=",")[[1]]
df<-as.data.frame(cbind(as.numeric(df$Name),sapply(Formula, function(x) with(df, eval(parse(text = x))))))
You could combine assign
and eval
out = df.assign(**{s: lambda x: x.eval(s) for s in formul})
name a0 b0 c0 a0+b0 a0-c0 b0*c0 a0+c0
0 alice 25 10 3 28 28 28 28
1 bob 26 11 4 30 30 30 30
2 charlie 27 12 5 32 32 32 32
Or, for a new DataFrame
tmp = df.set_index('name')
out = pd.DataFrame({s: tmp.eval(s) for s in formul})
# or
out = (pd.DataFrame({s: df.eval(s) for s in formul})
a0+b0 a0-c0 b0*c0 a0+c0
alice 35 22 30 28
bob 37 22 44 30
charlie 39 22 60 32