
Kotlin multiplatform - syntax error "expect and corresponding actual are declared in the same module"

I have multiple expect/actual constructs in my kotlin multiplatform project. There exists one problem with the ProfileProvider. Here is my setup.

The commonMain source set holds the expect class ProfileProvider.kt:

interface IProfileProvider {
    val profile: MutableStateFlow<Profile?>
    fun reloadProfile()

expect class ProfileProvider: IProfileProvider

And the androidMain source set holds the

actual class ProfileProvider(
    private val authProvider: AuthProvider,
    private val userRepository: UserRepository,
    private val fileRepository: FileRepository,
    defaultDispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher,
    private val context: Context
): IProfileProvider {
    private var _profile = MutableStateFlow<Profile?>(null)
    override val profile = _profile

In the ProfileProvider.kt my expect declaration expect class ProfileProvider: IProfileProvider is marked as error with the message ProfileProvider: expect and corresponding actual are declared in the same module.

Does anybody know why? I guess my project configuration might be wrong since I have a single module called app that contains androidMain, commonMain and iosMain source sets. Is this error message targeting source sets or modules? Hope anyone can clearify.


  • My project configuration actually was wrong, but I cannot say to what extend. After recreating the multi module project with intellij's wizard, the expect/actual declarations are properly used and the error disappeard.