
Embla Carousel Vue3 scrollNext Event

I'm hoping to get Embla Carousel setup in my Vue project, but I can't get the scrollNext function to work.

Here's where I am:

<script setup>
import { onMounted } from 'vue'
import emblaCarouselVue from 'embla-carousel-vue'
import Autoplay from 'embla-carousel-autoplay'

const [emblaRef, emblaApi] = emblaCarouselVue({ loop: true }, [Autoplay()])

function prevSlide () {

function nextSlide () {
  <div class="embla" ref="emblaRef">
    <div class="embla__viewport">
      <div class="embla__container">
        <div class="embla__slide">
          <div class="embla__parallax">
            <div class="embla__parallax__layer">
                class="embla__slide__img embla__parallax__img"
                alt="Your alt text"
    <button @click="prevSlide">Prev</button>
    <button @click="nextSlide">Next</button>

You can view the project using this codesandbox. The ideal solution would allow me to leverage the parallax effect as seen in the embla docs.


  • Embla expects the first child element of the root to hold the slides. Since you added div.embla__viewport between the root and the container, you have to tell Embla about it via the container option:

    const [emblaRef, emblaApi] = emblaCarouselVue({
      loop: true,
      container: '.embla__container', // <----- use custom container
    }, [Autoplay()]);

    I think you could also just move the template ref, Embla does not seem to use the classes internally.

    The parallax effect is not a builtin, you have to use the code and styles from the example (see css/embla.css and js/EmblaCarouselTweenParallax.js in their sandbox).

    Here is the updated stackblitz with these changes:

    Let me know, does that work for you?