
SWXMLHash - Problem accessing to some data

Good day everyone, I need your help :
Ref the xml below which is an extract with only 2 records, I try to access to the <ICAO> element and find '07FA' record to access to its other data.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

I tried to write the following code but it doesn't find the record. How can I properly use the filter function ?

let xml = XMLHash.parse(strAirp as String)
let subIndexer = xml["AirportDatabase"]["AptInfo"].filterAll { elem, _ in elem.text == "07FA" }

Then how can I access to [LandingRwyInfo][RunwayID] for this specific record ? I was thinking about something like :


I thank you in advance !


  • Using SWXMLHash you could try something like this:

     let subIndexer = xml["AirportDatabase"]["AptInfo"]
         .filterAll { elem, _ in
     print("----> subIndexer: \(subIndexer)")
     let takeoffRwyInfo = subIndexer["TakeoffRwyInfo"]
     if let runwayId = takeoffRwyInfo["RunwayID"].element?.text {
         print("----> RunwayID: \(runwayId)")