I need to enable touch zoom/panning on a FabricJS canvas. There are libraries that will allow this behavior on an image (see pinch-zoom-canvas) or via mouse-click events (see this Fiddle) but I can't seem to get the 'touch:gesture' events hooked up properly.
I've built the library with gestures enabled (so this FabricJS demo works locally for me), but I don't know where to start with combining the gestures with the working fiddle.
I tried variations of code like this:
'touch:gesture': function() {
var text = document.createTextNode(' Gesture ');
info.insertBefore(text, info.firstChild);
// Handle zoom only if 2 fingers are touching the screen
if (event.e.touches && event.e.touches.length == 2) {
// Get event point
var point = new fabric.Point(event.self.x, event.self.y);
// Remember canvas scale at gesture start
if (event.self.state == "start") {
zoomStartScale = self.canvas.getZoom();
// Calculate delta from start scale
var delta = zoomStartScale * event.self.scale;
// Zoom to pinch point
self.canvas.zoomToPoint(point, delta);
'touch:drag': function(e) {
panning = true;
var text = document.createTextNode(' Dragging ');
info.insertBefore(text, info.firstChild);
if (panning && e && e.e) {
var units = 10;
var delta = new fabric.Point(e.e.movementX, e.e.movementY);
panning = false;
'touch:longpress': function() {
var text = document.createTextNode(' Longpress ');
info.insertBefore(text, info.firstChild);
But nothing happens when I test on iPhone/iPad.
Laurens code uses a custom build version of Fabric.js that has not been updated in a while (as of December 2024) and is many versions behind. I build my own version of panning and zooming for Fabric 5.3.1 - both with mouse wheel and pinch gesture - using CSS transform which is vastly more performant and then updating the canvas after the zoom ended.
I created a CodePen showing the solution I propose here: https://codepen.io/Fjonan/pen/QwLgEby
I created a second CodePen comparing a pure Fabric.js with CSS transform: https://codepen.io/Fjonan/pen/azoWXWJ (Spoiler: CSS is a lot smoother)
So this is how you can achieve panning and zooming the entire canvas with both mouse and touch.
Setup something like this:
<section class="canvas-wrapper" style="overflow:hidden; position:relative;">
<canvas id=canvas>
Fabric.js will create its own wrapper element canvas-container
which I access here using canvas.wrapperEl
This code handles dragging with mouse:
const wrapper = document.querySelector('.canvas-wrapper')
const canvas = new fabric.Canvas("canvas",{
allowTouchScrolling: false,
defaultCursor: 'grab',
selection: false,
// …
let lastPosX,
canvas.on("mouse:down", dragCanvasStart)
canvas.on("mouse:move", dragCanvas)
* Save reference point from which the interaction started
function dragCanvasStart(event) {
const evt = event.e || event // fabricJS event or touch event
// save the position you started dragging from
lastPosX = evt.clientX
lastPosY = evt.clientY
* Start dragging the canvas using Fabric.js events
function dragCanvas(event) {
const evt = event.e || event // fabricJS event or touch event
// left mouse button is pressed if not a touch event
if (1 !== evt.buttons && !(evt instanceof Touch)) {
* Convert movement to CSS translate which visually moves the canvas
function translateCanvas(event) {
const transform = getTransformVals(canvas.wrapperEl)
let offsetX = transform.translateX + (event.clientX - (lastPosX || 0))
let offsetY = transform.translateY + (event.clientY - (lastPosY || 0))
canvas.wrapperEl.style.transform = `translate(${tVals.translateX}px, ${tVals.translateY}px) scale(${transform.scaleX})`
lastPosX = event.clientX
lastPosY = event.clientY
* Get relevant style values for the given element
* @see https://stackoverflow.com/a/64654744/13221239
function getTransformVals(element) {
const style = window.getComputedStyle(element)
const matrix = new DOMMatrixReadOnly(style.transform)
return {
scaleX: matrix.m11,
scaleY: matrix.m22,
translateX: matrix.m41,
translateY: matrix.m42,
width: element.getBoundingClientRect().width,
height: element.getBoundingClientRect().height,
And this code will handle mouse zoom:
let touchZoom
canvas.on('mouse:wheel', zoomCanvasMouseWheel)
// after scaling transform the CSS to canvas zoom so it does not stay blurry
// @see https://lodash.com/docs/4.17.15#debounce
const debouncedScale2Zoom = _.debounce(canvasScaleToZoom, 1000)
* Zoom canvas when user used mouse wheel
function zoomCanvasMouseWheel(event) {
const delta = event.e.deltaY
let zoom = touchZoom
zoom *= 0.999 ** delta
const point = {x: event.e.offsetX, y: event.e.offsetY}
scaleCanvas(zoom, point)
* Convert zoom to CSS scale which visually zooms the canvas
function scaleCanvas(zoom, aroundPoint) {
const tVals = getTransformVals(canvas.wrapperEl)
const scaleFactor = tVals.scaleX / touchZoom * zoom
canvas.wrapperEl.style.transformOrigin = `${aroundPoint.x}px ${aroundPoint.y}px`
canvas.wrapperEl.style.transform = `translate(${tVals.translateX}px, ${tVals.translateY}px) scale(${scaleFactor})`
touchZoom = zoom
* Converts CSS transform to Fabric.js zoom so the blurry image gets sharp
function canvasScaleToZoom() {
const transform = getTransformVals(canvas.wrapperEl)
const canvasBox = canvas.wrapperEl.getBoundingClientRect()
const viewBox = wrapper.getBoundingClientRect()
// calculate the offset of the canvas inside the wrapper
const offsetX = canvasBox.x - viewBox.x
const offsetY = canvasBox.y - viewBox.y
// we resize the canvas to the scaled values
canvas.setDimensions({height:transform.height, width:transform.width})
// and reset the transform values
canvas.wrapperEl.style.transformOrigin = `0px 0px`
canvas.wrapperEl.style.transform = `translate(${offsetX}px, ${offsetY}px) scale(1)`
Now for touch events we have to attach our own event listeners since Fabric.js does not (yet) support touch events as part of their regularly handled listeners.
let pinchCenter,
wrapper.addEventListener('touchstart', (event) => {
wrapper.addEventListener('touchmove', (event) => {
wrapper.addEventListener('touchend', pinchCanvasEnd)
* Save the distance between the touch points when starting the pinch
function pinchCanvasStart(event) {
if (event.touches.length !== 2) {
initialDistance = getPinchDistance(event.touches[0], event.touches[1])
* Start pinch-zooming the canvas
function pinchCanvas(event) {
if (event.touches.length !== 2) {
setPinchCenter(event.touches[0], event.touches[1])
const currentDistance = getPinchDistance(event.touches[0], event.touches[1])
let scale = (currentDistance / initialDistance).toFixed(2)
scale = 1 + (scale - 1) / 20 // slows down scale from pinch
scaleCanvas(scale * touchZoom, pinchCenter)
* Re-Draw the canvas after pinching ended
function pinchCanvasEnd(event) {
if (2 > event.touches.length) {
* Putting touch point coordinates into an object
function getPinchCoordinates(touch1, touch2) {
return {
x1: touch1.clientX,
y1: touch1.clientY,
x2: touch2.clientX,
y2: touch2.clientY,
* Returns the distance between two touch points
function getPinchDistance(touch1, touch2) {
const coord = getPinchCoordinates(touch1, touch2)
return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(coord.x2 - coord.x1, 2) + Math.pow(coord.y2 - coord.y1, 2))
* Pinch center around wich the canvas will be scaled/zoomed
* takes into account the translation of the container element
function setPinchCenter(touch1, touch2) {
const coord = getPinchCoordinates(touch1, touch2)
const currentX = (coord.x1 + coord.x2) / 2
const currentY = (coord.y1 + coord.y2) / 2
const transform = getTransformVals(canvas.wrapperEl)
pinchCenter = {
x: currentX - transform.translateX,
y: currentY - transform.translateY,
This effectively moves the canvas inside a wrapper with overflow: hidden
and updates the canvas after zoom. Add to it some boundaries to avoid the canvas from being moved out of reach and limit the zoom and you will get a performant way to pan and zoom both for mouse and touch devices. You will find additional quality of life stuff like this in my CodePen demo I left out here to not make it too complicated.
Additional note on performance: When working on this I came across an issue with performance when zooming/pinching on mobile devices. After a helpful discussion I could solve it by setting these two properties on the objects in the canvas:
new Rect({
// …
objectCaching: false, // important for mobile performance
noScaleCache: true, // important for mobile performance
I want to highlight this quote from Asturur, a maintainer of Fabric.js:
if you are using simple shapes that are a single draw call ( rect, circle, small polygon, ellipse, triangle ) and you are using only fill or only stroke, caching is at loss
So consider turning off caching for these kind of shapes to optimize performance. Strongly depends on your circtumstances.
I created a more extensive write up with extra code and reasoning if anybody needs more information.