// MyActivity.kt file
class MyActivity : ComponentActivity() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
setContent {
// Calculate elevations based on the system theme
val elevations = if (isSystemInDarkTheme()) {
Elevations(card = 1.dp, default = 1.dp)
} else {
Elevations(card = 0.dp, default = 0.dp)
// Bind elevation as the value for LocalElevations
CompositionLocalProvider(LocalElevations provides elevations) {
// ... Content goes here ...
// This part of Composition will see the `elevations` instance
// when accessing LocalElevations.current
In CompositionLocalProvider
when they say 'Content goes here
' what kind of content is it suppose to be / can be ?
I'm just looking for global variables and it's all very going around with Compose
For global variables in Compose:
Example of Global State:
val LocalUserName = compositionLocalOf { "Default User" }
fun MyApp() {
CompositionLocalProvider(LocalUserName provides "Local") {
fun Greeting() {
Text("Hello, ${LocalUserName.current}!")
This pattern lets you manage global-like values cleanly and in a Compose idiomatic way, without directly relying on traditional global variables