I need to provide my own custom RememberMeAuthenticationProvider provider, which I know how to do. But the default created one is still present in the ProviderManager list of providers.
Can I completely replace the default one with my custom one?
How I add my own
public RememberMeAuthenticationProvider rememberMeAuthenticationProvider(MessageSource messageSource) {
var authProvider = new MyRememberMeAuthenticationProvider(REMEMBER_ME_KEY);
return authProvider;
public SecurityFilterChain filterChain(HttpSecurity http,
MvcRequestMatcher.Builder mvc,
MessageSource messageSource) throws Exception {
.csrf(csrf -> csrf.csrfTokenRequestHandler(csrfRequestHandler)
.ignoringRequestMatchers(LOGIN_URI + "**"))
return http.build();
But the RememberMeConfigurer unconditionally adds the default one
public void configure(H http) {
RememberMeAuthenticationFilter rememberMeFilter = new RememberMeAuthenticationFilter(
http.getSharedObject(AuthenticationManager.class), this.rememberMeServices);
if (this.authenticationSuccessHandler != null) {
SecurityContextConfigurer<?> securityContextConfigurer = http.getConfigurer(SecurityContextConfigurer.class);
if (securityContextConfigurer != null && securityContextConfigurer.isRequireExplicitSave()) {
SecurityContextRepository securityContextRepository = securityContextConfigurer
rememberMeFilter = postProcess(rememberMeFilter);
Which leads to this list of configured providers
0 = {MyAuthenticationProvider@17013}
1 = {MyRememberMeAuthenticationProvider@16992}
2 = {AnonymousAuthenticationProvider@26592}
3 = {RememberMeAuthenticationProvider@18312}
Right now this works, likely due to the order, but I would really want to remove the default one completely.
Is this possible?
Many thanks, Mike
I think you can use BeanPostProcessor
like so
public class MyBeanPostProcessor implements BeanPostProcessor {
public Object postProcessAfterInitialization(Object bean, String beanName) throws BeansException {
if (bean instanceof ProviderManager providerManager) {
providerManager.getProviders().removeIf(provider -> provider.getClass() == RememberMeAuthenticationProvider.class);
return bean;