I am using kubectl jsonpath query to display below output:
kubectl get pvc -o=jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{@.metadata.name}{" "}{@.spec.resources.requests.storage}{" "}{@.spec.storageClassName}{"\n"}{end}'
storage-1 100Mi longhorn
storage-2 100Mi longhorn
storage-3 100Mi longhorn
storage-4 100Mi longhorn
I want to add the name of the column i.e
pvc capacity storageclass
storage-1 100Mi longhorn
storage-2 100Mi longhorn
storage-3 100Mi longhorn
storage-4 100Mi longhorn
How do i achieve using the kubectl jspnpath query?
Using JSONPath expressions you may insert {"pvc\\tcapacity\\tstorageclass\\n"}
kubectl get pvc -o=jsonpath='{"pvc\tcapacity\tstorageclass\n"}{range .items[*]}{@.metadata.name}{"\t"}{@.spec.resources.requests.storage}{"\t"}{@.spec.storageClassName}{"\n"}{end}'