I've created my first model in CodeIgniter 4 (with Shield).
I am wondering about the many additional fields I received from the following model-function.
Here is the simple function from this model:
public function users_get_by_id(int $id, array $fields=array())
return $this->find($id);
return $this->select($fields)->where('id', $id);
Inside the controller I get and print out the returned values like this
$data = $this->UsersModel->users_get_by_id(user_id(),['username','department_main']);
Now I am wondering why in my $data
are not only the values from the tables/fields called by the "users_get_by_id" function.
In CI3 I only recieved a array with the table fields and values.
Now there is a lot more information.
Example: print_r($data);
gives this:
App\Models\UsersModel Object([pager] =>
[db:protected] => CodeIgniter\Database\MySQLi\Connection Object
([DSN:protected] =>
[port:protected] => 3306
[hostname:protected] => ....
[username:protected] => ...
[password:protected] => ...
[database:protected] =>....
[DBDriver] => MySQLi
...many more values follow...
By the way what does it mean by the prepended parts like [db:protected]
Looking in the CodeIgniter docs brings no info about it.
I can't find the docs for it now but I believe you need to actually execute the query, with ->get()
, or if you're only expecting 1 result, ->first()
. So your Model code should be:
return $this->select($fields)->where('id', $id)->first();
Without it, you are returning the Model class, hence all the extra stuff you're seeing.