I am doing an input script in python, and I want to detect the ESc button is pressedwhile input. I tried to to use keyoard detector but it does not work. Here is what I did:
import msvcrt
# validating input
def enteringMessage(message):
while True:
# Convert the input to an integer
message = int(message)
# Check if the value is within the range
assert 1 <= message <= 24
return message # Return the valid value
except ValueError:
# Handle non-numerical input
message = input('What day is it [1,24] ?\n')
except AssertionError:
# Handle out-of-range values
message = input('What day is it [1,24] ?\n')
aborted = False
while not aborted:
day = enteringMessage(input('What day is it [1,24] ?\n'))
if msvcrt.kbhit() and msvcrt.getch() == b'\x1b':
aborted = True
humorOftheDay = 'xxxxx' #I fixed this for simplification purpose
print("Joke of December ", day, ": ")
I tried to use libary msvcrt
to detect and modify the aborted
variable to stop the input loop, but when I ran in terminal, it does not work.
Code written in Python, version 3.9
Can you help me out. Thank you in advance.
With msvcrt.getch
you'll have to implement your own input
function to deal with key presses (including special ones such as backspaces) and translating them into a string of characters.
If you can install the pynput library, an easier approach would be to listen to the on_press
keyboard event with a handler that terminates the process if the key of the event is ESC:
import os
from pynput import keyboard
def on_press(key):
if key == keyboard.Key.esc:
while True:
print(f'You entered: {input("Enter something: ")}')