
Bringing up data from another SpreadSheet with arrayformula, query and importrange

I have created two spreadsheets:

For the indicators, I've imported the desired values (columns A to F). And I'd like to be able to display in columns G and H the targets present in the first file.

So I wrote these formulas (in G2 and H2) :

={"Value 1";arrayformula(SI($A2:$A="";"";QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("";"BDD!A2:F");"SELECT Col5 WHERE Col1 ='"&$B$2:$B&"' AND Col2='"&$C$2:$C&"' AND Col3 ='"&$D$2:$D&"' AND Col4='"&$E$2:$E&"'")))}
={"Value 1";arrayformula(SI($A2:$A="";"";QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("";"BDD!A2:F");"SELECT Col6 WHERE Col1 ='"&$B$2:$B&"' AND Col2='"&$C$2:$C&"' AND Col3 ='"&$D$2:$D&"' AND Col4='"&$E$2:$E&"'")))}

However, the results are not what I expected. For the “Male” gender, it works, but not for the “Female” gender. The expected results are 2.6 for Value 1 and 2.9 for Value 2.

What would be the best formula for achieving my objectives? Since the arrayformula, query importrange combination I made doesn't work, I'm stuck. Thanks for your help


  • Here's one approach you may test out:

    =vstack({"Value 1"\"Value 2"};byrow(B2:E;lambda(Σ;if(indirect("A"&row(Σ))="";;index(vlookup(join(;Σ);

    enter image description here

    Query approach update

    =vstack({"Value 1"\"Value 2"};
     query(importrange("1tePHlgV-FBTRB9_rqFm6oen3jVwlrnI1woaDhjeV8BE";"BDD!A2:F");"select Col5,Col6 where Col1 ='"&b&"' AND Col2='"&c&"' AND Col3 ='"&d&"' AND Col4='"&e&"'")))))

    enter image description here