Hi I wanted to extract the elements in the first column of the output from a cli which is like so:
| Column A | Column B | Column C |
| -------- | -------- | -------- |
> Cell 1 Cell2 Cell5
Cell 3 Cell4 Cell6
I wish to extract all elements from the the first column. Peculiarities with this table:
For example
| Names | ID | Sales |
| -------- | -------- | -------- |
> Fin Bo 192019 10
QuarGem 12982 1
I would want > Fin Bo
and QuarGem
I have access to sed, awk, grep and other linux tools and have currently tried the following:
cat ./table | tail -n +5 | awk '{print $1}'
but it fails to give the proper outcome and instead gives the following:
for the input:
name id sales
> quantum pki 10
W-44XA45 aks 1
Flint GD ixs 2
Using any POSIX awk and preserving white space inside the first field:
$ awk 'NR>4{ gsub(/^[[:space:]]+|([[:space:]]+[^[:space:]]+){2}$/,""); print }' file
> quantum
Flint GD
or if you don't care about preserving white space and are using an awk where changing NF
changes the number of fields, e.g. GNU awk:
$ awk 'NR>4{ NF-=2; print }' file
> quantum
Flint GD