I am working on a Nextflow pipeline version 24.10.3
that includes two processes: seqtk
and pad_read
. The pipeline is supposed to process reads using seqtk
and then pad them using a Python script. However, I am encountering the following error:
ERROR ~ Unexpected error while finalizing task 'seqtk' - cause: No such property: reference_based_assembly for class: sun.nio.fs.UnixPath
-- Check '.nextflow.log' file for details
NOTE: For this particular error (as mentioned above), I was able to solve this by extracting specific files and define them into forward and reverse read, Specifically, the pipeline successfully executes the seqtk process, which converts FASTQ files to FASTA files, but the execution stops there. The pad_read process does not complete, and no error messages are shown. This is how it worked but it did not run pad read process. After resuming the process it shows the following:
Launching `/home/ganga/nextflow_dir/dnrgb9.nf` [cheesy_stone] DSL2 - revision: 78fccb0ec6
[88/a309a0] fastqc | 1 of 1, cached: 1 ✔
[d0/ced8a8] multiqc | 1 of 1, cached: 1 ✔
[18/c16dde] trimmomatic | 1 of 1, cached: 1 ✔
[3d/2fefec] flash | 1 of 1, cached: 1 ✔
[d2/e0f28f] unicycler | 1 of 1, cached: 1 ✔
[19/ff6f3a] quast | 1 of 1, cached: 1 ✔
[82/0da2fe] plentyofbugs | 1 of 1, cached: 1 ✔
[1f/5b384d] bowtie2_build | 1 of 1, cached: 1 ✔
[0b/da69f7] bowtie2 | 1 of 1, cached: 1 ✔
[08/7a1ef0] seqtk | 1 of 1, cached: 1 ✔
[- ] pad_read -
[- ] AlignGraph -
[- ] quast2 -
[- ] busco -
This is the actual code that I used.
// Define the third process (Trimmomatic)
process trimmomatic {
path forward_read
path reverse_read
val thread
val phred
val leading
val trailing
val slidingwindow
val minlength
path "${params.outputDir3}"
mkdir -p ${params.outputDir3}
trimmomatic PE -threads "$thread" -phred"$phred" "$forward_read" "$reverse_read" \
"${params.outputDir3}/output_1P.fq" "${params.outputDir3}/output_1U.fq" \
"${params.outputDir3}/output_2P.fq" "${params.outputDir3}/output_2U.fq" \
TRAILING:"$trailing" SLIDINGWINDOW:"$slidingwindow" MINLEN:"$minlength"
// Define the process for seqtk
process seqtk {
path bowtie2_out
path trimmomatic_out
path "${params.outputDir9}/*", emit: seqtk_out
mkdir -p "${params.outputDir9}"
seqtk seq -A "${trimmomatic_out}/output_1P.fq" > "${params.outputDir9}/output_1P.fa"
seqtk seq -A "${trimmomatic_out}/output_2P.fq" > "${params.outputDir9}/output_2P.fa"
// Define process for pad read
process pad_read {
path pad_read_path
path forward_read
path reverse_read
path "${params.outputDir9}/padded_out1.fa", emit: padded_file1
path "${params.outputDir9}/padded_out2.fa", emit: padded_file2
python "${params.pad_read_path}" "${forward_read}" "${params.outputDir9}/padded_out1.fa" 150
python "${params.pad_read_path}" "${reverse_read}" "${params.outputDir9}/padded_out2.fa" 150
Process definition's or workflow block is as follows:
// Workflow block
workflow {
// Run trimmomatic on multiqc output dir
def trimmomatic_results = trimmomatic(params.forward_read, params.reverse_read, params.thread, params.phred, params.PATH_TO_ADAPTER_CONTAM_FILE, params.leading, params.trailing, params.slidingwindow, params.minlength)
// Run seqtk
def seqtk_results = seqtk(bowtie2_align_result, trimmomatic_results)
// Extract specific files from seqtk results
def forward_read = seqtk_results.seqtk_out.filter { it.name == "output_1P.fa" }
def reverse_read = seqtk_results.seqtk_out.filter { it.name == "output_2P.fa" }
// Run the pad_read process
def pad_read_results = pad_read(params.pad_read_path, forward_read, reverse_read)
what I was expecting is that that it should run the process pad_read by taking inputs from process seqtk and path to my python file for padding reads.
I think the problem is just that your pad_reads process is waiting for input from the forward_read and reverse_read channels, but none is received. This might be because of the channel filter, but you may also run into problems like these if you are writing to files outside of Nextflow's process working directory (i.e. ./work
). Note that Nextflow processes are designed to run independently and isolated from each other. However, this can be circumvented by specifying absolute paths to files (e.g. by using params variables like params.outputDir3 and params.outputDir9 in your script blocks). The solution is just to ensure that your outputs are written to the process working directory (and that the process inputs are also localized within this directory). If your process input and output definitions declare tuples, you will find it much easier to work with channels (e.g. by joining two channels using the first element as a key). The code below uses a subworkflow to process each read. It might not be what you want exactly, but it does DRY your code and should be more performant, especially if the inputs files are large. If you also ensure that your Python script is executable (e.g. chmod +x pad_reads.py
) and placed in a directory called 'bin' in the root of your project repository (it must also have a shebang line for Python), you can do away with your params.pad_read_path variable, for example:
$ tree
├── bin
│ └── pad_reads.py
├── data
│ ├── sampleA_R1.fastq.gz
│ ├── sampleA_R2.fastq.gz
│ ├── sampleB_R1.fastq.gz
│ ├── sampleB_R2.fastq.gz
│ ├── sampleC_R1.fastq.gz
│ └── sampleC_R2.fastq.gz
├── main.nf
├── modules
│ ├── pad_reads
│ │ └── main.nf
│ ├── seqtk
│ │ └── main.nf
│ └── trimmomatic
│ └── main.nf
├── nextflow.config
├── subworkflows
│ └── process_reads
│ └── main.nf
└── TruSeq-PE.fa
9 directories, 14 files
Contents of main.nf
include { TRIMMOMATIC_PE } from './modules/trimmomatic'
include { PROCESS_READS as PROCESS_READ1 } from './subworkflows/process_reads'
include { PROCESS_READS as PROCESS_READ2 } from './subworkflows/process_reads'
workflow {
reads = Channel.fromFilePairs( params.reads )
adapter_contam_file = file( params.adapter_contam_file )
TRIMMOMATIC_PE.out.trimmed_reads.map { sample, reads ->
tuple( sample, reads[0] )
TRIMMOMATIC_PE.out.trimmed_reads.map { sample, reads ->
tuple( sample, reads[1] )
.join( PROCESS_READ2.out )
Contents of nextflow.config
params {
reads = null
outdir = 'results'
adapter_contam_file = 'TruSeq-PE.fa'
leading = '3'
trailing = '3'
sliding_window = '4:15'
min_length = '36'
padding = 150
process {
cpus = 1
memory = { 1.GB * task.attempt }
time = { 1.h * task.attempt }
withName: 'TRIMMOMATIC_PE' {
cpus = 2
memory = { 6.GB * task.attempt }
time = { 12.h * task.attempt }
publishDir = [
path: { "${params.outdir}/trimmomatic_pe" },
mode: 'copy',
enabled: true,
withName: 'SEQTK_SEQ' {
cpus = 1
memory = { 3.GB * task.attempt }
time = { 1.h * task.attempt }
publishDir = [
path: { "${params.outdir}/seqtk_seq" },
mode: 'copy',
enabled: true,
withName: 'PAD_READS' {
cpus = 1
memory = { 4.GB * task.attempt }
time = { 1.h * task.attempt }
publishDir = [
path: { "${params.outdir}/pad_reads" },
mode: 'copy',
enabled: true,
Contents of modules/trimmomatic/main.nf
tag "${sample}"
conda 'trimmomatic=0.39'
tuple val(sample), path(reads)
path adapter_contam_file
val leading
val trailing
val slidingwindow
val minlength
tuple val(sample), path("${sample}_{1,2}P.fq"), emit: trimmed_reads
tuple val(sample), path("${sample}_{1,2}U.fq"), emit: unpaired_reads
tuple val(sample), path("${sample}_trim.log"), emit: trim_log
tuple val(sample), path("${sample}.summary"), emit: summary
trimmomatic PE \\
-threads "${task.cpus}" \\
-trimlog "${sample}_trim.log" \\
-summary "${sample}.summary" \\
${reads} \\
"${sample}_1P.fq" \\
"${sample}_1U.fq" \\
"${sample}_2P.fq" \\
"${sample}_2U.fq" \\
"ILLUMINACLIP:${adapter_contam_file}:2:30:10" \\
"LEADING:${leading}" \\
"TRAILING:${trailing}" \\
"SLIDINGWINDOW:${slidingwindow}" \\
Contents of modules/seqtk/main.nf
rocess SEQTK_SEQ {
tag "${prefix}"
conda 'seqtk=1.4'
tuple val(prefix), path(fastq)
tuple val(prefix), path("${prefix}.fa")
seqtk seq -A "${fastq}" > "${prefix}.fa"
Contents of modules/pad_reads/main.nf
process PAD_READS {
tag "${prefix}"
tuple val(prefix), path(fasta)
val padding
tuple val(prefix), path("${prefix}.padded.fa")
pad_reads.py "${fasta}" "${prefix}.padded.fa" "${padding}"
Contents of subworkflows/process_reads/main.nf
include { SEQTK_SEQ } from '../../modules/seqtk'
include { PAD_READS } from '../../modules/pad_reads'
workflow PROCESS_READS {
reads_ch.map { sample, fastq -> tuple( fastq.baseName, fastq ) }
PAD_READS( SEQTK_SEQ.out, padding )
.map { sample, fastq -> tuple( fastq.baseName, sample ) }
.join( PAD_READS.out )
.map { prefix, sample, fasta -> tuple( sample, fasta ) }
Run using:
nextflow run main.nf --reads './data/*_R{1,2}.fastq.gz' -with-conda
$ nextflow run main.nf --reads './data/*_R{1,2}.fastq.gz' -with-conda
N E X T F L O W ~ version 24.10.3
Launching `main.nf` [intergalactic_maxwell] DSL2 - revision: 41d7759a70
[b1/61f3db] TRIMMOMATIC_PE (sampleC) [100%] 3 of 3 ✔
[96/f6a509] PROCESS_READ1:SEQTK_SEQ (sampleA_1P) [100%] 3 of 3 ✔
[52/234275] PROCESS_READ1:PAD_READS (sampleA_1P) [100%] 3 of 3 ✔
[5f/e90e55] PROCESS_READ2:SEQTK_SEQ (sampleB_2P) [100%] 3 of 3 ✔
[d1/9b0136] PROCESS_READ2:PAD_READS (sampleB_2P) [100%] 3 of 3 ✔
[sampleC, /path/to/work/ef/03ae84fa1f82c785c6b533d237be8c/sampleC_1P.padded.fa, /path/to/work/80/17be93cae1c5962f2efa154aaf258b/sampleC_2P.padded.fa]
[sampleB, /path/to/work/91/ca7dd8c756aaced9303847c8b50a18/sampleB_1P.padded.fa, /path/to/work/d1/9b0136f910ebc1f8f6b3f94eeed249/sampleB_2P.padded.fa]
[sampleA, /path/to/work/52/2342750f71139755028a7f65ec6bc6/sampleA_1P.padded.fa, /path/to/work/92/01a6085ad12ae80e24bbb52d8f16c3/sampleA_2P.padded.fa]
Published files:
$ tree results/
├── pad_reads
│ ├── sampleA_1P.padded.fa
│ ├── sampleA_2P.padded.fa
│ ├── sampleB_1P.padded.fa
│ ├── sampleB_2P.padded.fa
│ ├── sampleC_1P.padded.fa
│ └── sampleC_2P.padded.fa
├── seqtk_seq
│ ├── sampleA_1P.fa
│ ├── sampleA_2P.fa
│ ├── sampleB_1P.fa
│ ├── sampleB_2P.fa
│ ├── sampleC_1P.fa
│ └── sampleC_2P.fa
└── trimmomatic_pe
├── sampleA_1P.fq
├── sampleA_1U.fq
├── sampleA_2P.fq
├── sampleA_2U.fq
├── sampleA.summary
├── sampleA_trim.log
├── sampleB_1P.fq
├── sampleB_1U.fq
├── sampleB_2P.fq
├── sampleB_2U.fq
├── sampleB.summary
├── sampleB_trim.log
├── sampleC_1P.fq
├── sampleC_1U.fq
├── sampleC_2P.fq
├── sampleC_2U.fq
├── sampleC.summary
└── sampleC_trim.log
4 directories, 30 files