I've created an Android Studio Application
that aims to update language of several Jetpack Compose Activity
Part of the functions are moved to the helper class LanguageUtils.java
class LanguageUtils {
static String getCurrentLanguage(Context context) {
SharedPreferences prefs = context.getSharedPreferences("app_prefs", Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
return prefs.getString("lang", "en");
static void saveLanguage(Context context, String language) {
SharedPreferences prefs = context.getSharedPreferences("app_prefs", Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
prefs.edit().putString("lang", language).apply();
Log.e("MyApplication", "getCurrentLanguage: " + getCurrentLanguage(context));
static Context setLocale(Context context, String lang) {
Locale locale = new Locale(lang);
Resources resources = context.getResources();
Configuration resConfig = resources.getConfiguration();
Configuration config = new Configuration(resConfig);
return context.createConfigurationContext(config);
The application itself has the following methods:
class MyApplication : Application() {
override fun attachBaseContext(base: Context) {
val currentLang = LanguageUtils.getCurrentLanguage(base)
val newContext = LanguageUtils.setLocale(base, currentLang)
fun setAppLanguage(activity: Activity, language: String) {
LanguageUtils.saveLanguage(activity, language)
val intent = activity.intent
What I want to achieve is to trigger resource update in the activity by pressing a button
(I use XML resources located in folders res/values
for English and res/values-**
for other languages and use them with stringResource(R.string.someString)
). How to do this on Android?
I used a button inside my activity like this:
val context = LocalContext.current
modifier = Modifier.padding(8.dp),
onClick = {
val app = context.applicationContext as MyApplication
val activity = context as Activity
app.setAppLanguage(activity, "pl")
) { Text("Change to Polish") }
When I run this code, the activity is restarted (the visible swipe animation) but the texts remain in English.
It's also worth noting that updateConfiguration()
is marked as deprecated by Android Studio from API 25 (Android 7) and therefore I don't want to use it
What worked for me was to move MyApplication.attachBaseContext()
to the activities and then use either recreate()
or startActivity()
+ finish()
to reload the activity.