(I have almost 0 vba knowledge)
if I have 5 rows and B, D, F, L= a number for each row if specific text is in cell M for 2 specific rows the command resets all the numbers in the specific row and column to 0
so B2, B5, D2, D5, F2, F5, L2, L5 now equal 0 because M2, M5= specified text
I tried looking into it this is what I found and slightly modified
Sub Brexlin()
[F2,H2,J2,L2,N2,U2,V2] = [if(AA2="MIA",0,)]
End Sub
that applies to 1 row but how do I make something like this apply to all rows
one person told me this "Basically just an if statement within a change event" but idk what to make of it with my lack of knowledge
If my understanding is correct, the next solution is for you:
Option Explicit
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim stext$
stext = "specific text"
If Intersect(Target, Range("M2, M5")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Application.EnableEvents = False
If [M2] = stext And [M5] = stext Then Range("B2, B5, D2, D5, F2, F5, L2, L5") = 0
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
If you change M2 or M5 of Sheet1 and both M2 and M5 contains the "specific text" (change on your own) zero writes to cells B2, B5, D2, D5, F2, F5, L2, and L5.
To do this press Alt+F11 in Excel. VBA editor opens. In the VBA Project browser on the left side, double-click on the sheet you need. The blank sheet opens (should be blank in the new sheet/workbook) on the right side. Copy and paste the code. Come back to Excel and test: enter the specific text into M2 then M5.
The next code processes all rows where "dispose" is entered to M (change it if required in two places). The columns to reset is defined in the "ctd" array.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim stext$, ctd, ca, cc, cs
If Intersect(Target, Range("M:M")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
stext = "dispose"
ctd = Array("B:B", "D:D", "F:F", "L:L")
Application.EnableEvents = False
If IsArray(Target) Then
For Each ca In Target.Areas
For Each cc In Intersect(ca, Range("M:M"))
If cc = stext Then
For Each cs In ctd
Range(cs).Cells(cc.Row) = 0
Next cs
End If
Next cc, ca
ElseIf Target = stext Then
For Each cs In ctd
Range(cs).Cells(Target.Row) = 0
End If
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
For the last comment "say I use a formula to keep column M updated from a different sheet, how do I make it read the change in sheet 1 I type MIA which reflects in Sheet 2 column M which clears the data in sheet 2", you need to handle the Calculate event on the target sheet (you say Sheet 2):
Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate()
Dim stext$, ctd, ca, cc, cs, Target As Range
Set Target = Intersect(Range("M:M"), Me.UsedRange)
stext = "dispose"
ctd = Array("B:B", "D:D", "F:F", "L:L")
Application.EnableEvents = False
If IsArray(Target) Then
For Each cc In Target.Cells
If cc = stext Then
For Each cs In ctd
Range(cs).Cells(cc.Row) = 0
End If
ElseIf Target = stext Then
For Each cs In ctd
Range(cs).Cells(Target.Row) = 0
End If
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub