I have this markdown that I'd like to \include{}
in a larger latex document.
$ cat example.md
# heading
- Item 1
- Item 2
Code block
If I run that through pandoc (Debian 11) I get this:
$ pandoc -t latex example.md
Item 1
Item 2
\ExtensionTok{Code}\NormalTok{ block}
Now I just need to \include{}
it in my main document:
% Autogenerated from markdown with `pandoc example.md -o example.tex`
It would be wonderful if that's all I needed. But that compiles in:
! Undefined control sequence.
l.1 \hypertarget
No problem. I recognize that command. I can just add \usepackage{hyperref}
to the preamble:
% Autogenerated from markdown with `pandoc example.md -o example.tex`
! Undefined control sequence.
l.5 \tightlist
A bit tougher. I don't recognize that macro. But I did some searching and found what it's supposed to do, so I can make my own implementation.
% Autogenerated from markdown with `pandoc example.md -o example.tex`
! LaTeX Error: Environment Shaded undefined.
l.12 \begin{Shaded}
Getting even tougher. In texlive
there is a package framed
which provides environment shaded
, so let's try that:
% Autogenerated from markdown with `pandoc example.md -o example.tex`
! Undefined control sequence.
\FrameCommand ->\fboxsep =\FrameSep \colorbox
l.12 \begin{Shaded}
Okay, so I need to defined a colour. I recognize that from xcolor
\definecolor{shadecolor}{rgb}{1.0, 1.0, 0.95}
! LaTeX Error: Environment Highlighting undefined.
l.13 \begin{Highlighting}
This seems like it's getting too deep. Everytime a user submits a new markdown to me, they seem to trigger another macro that I haven't implemented yet. Is there a single \usepackage{...}
in the texlive distribution that I can bring in to define all of this for me? I feel like pandoc
didn't intend for me to re-implement everything using my best guesses.
The debian packages I have installed are:
$ dpkg -l | grep texlive | awk '{print $2}'
Thanks to @Heiko Theißen's comment, pandoc has a -s
option to generate a stand-alone tex file. Here's what you need (wish they would have purged the subjective style stuff and provided the rest in an sty). The only trick is the first two lines go above your \documentclass{}
\ifnum 0\ifxetex 1\fi\ifluatex 1\fi=0
\setlength{\parskip}{6pt plus 2pt minus 1pt}}
FYI, this is the fully-generated stand-alone tex file:
% Options for packages loaded elsewhere
\ifnum 0\ifxetex 1\fi\ifluatex 1\fi=0 % if pdftex
\usepackage{textcomp} % provide euro and other symbols
\else % if luatex or xetex
% Use upquote if available, for straight quotes in verbatim environments
\IfFileExists{microtype.sty}{% use microtype if available
\UseMicrotypeSet[protrusion]{basicmath} % disable protrusion for tt fonts
\@ifundefined{KOMAClassName}{% if non-KOMA class
}{% else
\setlength{\parskip}{6pt plus 2pt minus 1pt}}
}{% if KOMA class
\IfFileExists{xurl.sty}{\usepackage{xurl}}{} % add URL line breaks if available
pdfcreator={LaTeX via pandoc}}
\urlstyle{same} % disable monospaced font for URLs
% Add ',fontsize=\small' for more characters per line
\setlength{\emergencystretch}{3em} % prevent overfull lines
\setcounter{secnumdepth}{-\maxdimen} % remove section numbering
Item 1
Item 2
\ExtensionTok{Code}\NormalTok{ block}