In Lua, I can define a member function like this:
Foo = {}
function Foo:bar()
I realise this is just syntactic sugar for this:
Foo = {} = function(self)
Is there a way to write an anonymous function with an implicit self
parameter or do I always have to spell out the self
parameter on anonymous functions?
The motivation is to create coroutine member functions in a way most analogous to ordinary functions. I can do this: = coroutine.wrap(function(self) ... end)
Or this:
function Foo:bar() ... end = coroutine.wrap(
But is there a way to do a one-line declaration with an implicit self
Short answer: not possible.
As you've correctly identified, the syntactic sugar
exp ::= functiondef
functiondef ::= function funcbody
funcbody ::= ‘(’ [parlist] ‘)’ block end
stat ::= function funcname funcbody
stat ::= local function Name funcbody
funcname ::= Name {‘.’ Name} [‘:’ Name]
that enables the shorthand function name () end
syntax (and thus the form with an implicit self
variable) changes the function definition from an expression to a statement by introducing the assignment.
There is no mechanism to interrupt this syntactically, in order to insert an arbitrary expression in to the assignment (desired here: a functioncall, coroutine.wrap
Similarly, the arguments to a function call must be expressions - so something like coroutine.wrap(function Foo:bar() end)
is also not possible.
Short of modifying the language with a new keyword (think async function Foo:bar() end
), your example of = coroutine.wrap(function(self) ... end)
is as good as it gets. For what it is worth, this example is perfectly understandable, and self-documenting (IMO; pun intended).
Lua 5.4: 3 – The Language | 3.3.3 – Assignment | 3.4.10 – Function Calls | 3.4.11 – Function Definitions | 9 – The Complete Syntax of Lua