
FastAPI SQLModel and Pydantic: flatten out an object into a table

I would like to use the same model for the api and the SQLDatabase but I am struggling with the configuration.

I am writing an API in fastAPI and I would like to return an object with nested objects, but without creating additional tables in the DB.

class InnerObject(...):
  first_attribute: str
  second_attribute: str

class OuterObject(SQLModel):
  id: str = Field(sa_column=Column(nullable=False, primary_key=True))
  name: str
  attributes: InnerObject = Field(...)

Is it possible to configure SQLModel to flatten out the attributes in the OuterObject table?


  • SQLModel does not support flattening of nested objects into single table directly. But this can be done by serializing the nested objects into single column.

    We can use Pydantic for API models and Flatten SQLModel...

    class InnerObject(BaseModel):
        first: str
        second: str
    class OuterObject(SQLModel, table=True):
        id: str = Field(default=None, primary_key=True)
        name: str
        first: str
        second: str

    Now we can use pydantic for the API and the flattened OuterObject for the database...

    class OuterObjectAPI(BaseMode):
        id: str
        name: str
        attributes: InnerObject
        def from_db_model(cls, db_model: OuterObject):
            attributes = InnerObject(
            return cls(

    Make sure you handle serialization and deserialization properly, while saving or fetching...