
Django request.GET adds and extra quote to the data

When I pass my parameters via Django request.GET I get an extra comma in the dictionary that I do not need.

Encoded data that I redirect to the endpoint:


The request:

<rest_framework.request.Request: GET '/turnalerts/api/v2/statuses?statuses=%5B%7B%27conversation%27%3A+%7B%27expiration_timestamp%27%3A+%271735510680%27%2C+%27id%27%3A+%2757f7d7d4d255f4c7987ac3557bf536e3%27%2C+%27origin%27%3A+%7B%27type%27%3A+%27service%27%7D%7D%2C+%27id%27%3A+%27wamid.HBgNMjM0OTAzOTc1NjYyOBUCABEYEjdCMTJFNUZDNzNFQjkxQ0IyRQA%3D%27%2C+%27pricing%27%3A+%7B%27billable%27%3A+True%2C+%27category%27%3A+%27service%27%2C+%27pricing_model%27%3A+%27CBP%27%7D%2C+%27recipient_id%27%3A+%272349039756628%27%2C+%27status%27%3A+%27sent%27%2C+%27timestamp%27%3A+%271735424268%27%7D%5D'>

Data after request.GET:

{'statuses': "[{'conversation': {'expiration_timestamp': '1735510680', 'id': '57f7d7d4d255f4c7987ac3557bf536e3', 'origin': {'type': 'service'}}, 'id': 'wamid.HBgNMjM0OTAzOTc1NjYyOBUCABEYEjdCMTJFNUZDNzNFQjkxQ0IyRQA=', 'pricing': {'billable': True, 'category': 'service', 'pricing_model': 'CBP'}, 'recipient_id': '2349039756628', 'status': 'sent', 'timestamp': '1735424268'}]"}

The issue here is the double quote in the list as in "[{'conversation'...

Expected result is:

{'statuses': [{'conversation': {'expiration_timestamp': '1735510680', 'id': '57f7d7d4d255f4c7987ac3557bf536e3', 'origin': {'type': 'service'}}, 'id': 'wamid.HBgNMjM0OTAzOTc1NjYyOBUCABEYEjdCMTJFNUZDNzNFQjkxQ0IyRQA=', 'pricing': {'billable': True, 'category': 'service', 'pricing_model': 'CBP'}, 'recipient_id': '2349039756628', 'status': 'sent', 'timestamp': '1735424268'}]}

Here's my view:

class StatusesPayloadLayerView(generics.GenericAPIView):
    permission_classes = (permissions.AllowAny,)
    def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        payload = request.GET
        data = payload.dict()
           error_code = data['statuses'][0]['errors'][0]['code']
       except KeyError:
           error_code = None

From the url encoding reference here, the encoded data looks fine as it doesn't appear to have a double quote before the list which would be "%22" notation so I can't quite understand where the double quote is coming from. I try to do a try-except but because it's a string, I end up with a type error.

How can I represent the data properly so it's not a string with no double quote.


  • The issue here is the double quote in the list.

    Nope. This is not part of the content of the string. This is because Python's repr(…) function [python-doc] tries to print the value as a Python literal expression, for example {'a': 'b'} prints single quotes around 'a' and 'b', but these are not part of the content of the string.

    You can convert the repr of Python literals (and a combination of these) back to Python with ast.literal_eval(…) [python-doc];

    from ast import literal_eval
    class StatusesPayloadLayerView(generics.GenericAPIView):
        permission_classes = (permissions.AllowAny,)
        def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
            payload = request.GET
            data = payload.dict()
            statuses = literal_eval(data['statuses'])
            # …

    and this will print:

    [{'conversation': {'expiration_timestamp': '1735510680', 'id': '57f7d7d4d255f4c7987ac3557bf536e3', 'origin': {'type': 'service'}}, 'id': 'wamid.HBgNMjM0OTAzOTc1NjYyOBUCABEYEjdCMTJFNUZDNzNFQjkxQ0IyRQA=', 'pricing': {'billable': True, 'category': 'service', 'pricing_model': 'CBP'}, 'recipient_id': '2349039756628', 'status': 'sent', 'timestamp': '1735424268'}]