
Facebook Oembed Read Can't Request Advanced Access

I have a Facebook app with business verification completed. My app is a consumer app and has standard access to oEmbed read. My goal is to use the oEmbed Read feature. However, when I test its endpoints using the Graph API Explorer or Postman, I receive the following error:

(#10) To use 'oEmbed Read', your use of this endpoint must be reviewed and approved by Facebook. To submit this 'oEmbed Read' feature for review, please read our documentation on reviewable features: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/apps/review.

I used app id | client id as access token. Exp: 12346|879565654

I can't request advanced access of oEmbed Read because the button is disabled. For enable it I need to use the api and get 200, but it gets the error I provided above. I'm stuck because of this. Is someone know what should I do and give me steps? Or is this just a Facebook bug?

You can see the button image here

I tried sending request with Postman, with SDK and with Graph API explorer while app is in live mode and dev mode, but I still get the error provided above.


  • I encountered this issue before and figured out how to resolve it. You need to use Facebook or Instagram accounts only and ensure the URLs are formatted correctly. If you use a different account with the standard access level for Oembed Read, you will encounter the error you described.

    By specifying the URL format, for example, these two links represent the same Instagram post:

    1. instagram post link 1
    2. instagram post link 2

    However, you must use Instagram post link 2 when sending a request to the instagram_oembed endpoint. Using Instagram post link 1 will result in the error you described.

    When using Facebook, ensure you are using either instagram's facebook account or facebook's facebook account.

    For instance, you can use oembed_post endpoint and use this as url.

    Use your app id | client id as access token.

    After receiving a 200 response, wait for a while (in my case, it took around 2 hours, but it can take up to 24 hours). Once the waiting period is over, the button to request advanced access for this permission will become enabled, allowing you to proceed with your request.