Program Code - 1
.model flat
Array1 DWORD 1,2,3,4,5
var1 DWORD $
start PROC
MOV EBX, var1
start ENDP
Program Code - 1 Output
EAX = 001E4000
EBX = 001E4000
The answer to why var1
is the base address of the .data segment was already answered here.
Why this behavior?
The location counter is set to zero offset when it encounters a segment like .code, .data, .bss, .const, etc.
The offset value of the location counter only increases when the assembler encounters any instruction or pseudo-opcode that emits object code.
For example, MASM increments the location counter for each byte written to the object code file. MASM increments the location counter by two after encountering
because this instruction is two bytes long.
Now, take this example program:
Program Code - 2
.model flat
Array1 DWORD 1,2,3,4,5
var1 DWORD ($ - Array1)
start PROC
MOV EBX, var1
start ENDP
Program Code - 2 Output
EAX = 000B4000
EBX = 00000014
In Program Code - 2, I noticed a change in the output. I think it's because of address calculations with the location counter. I also tested it with some test cases, and it produced the same result.
In Program Code - 2, the value of the location counter for var1 changed, possibly because I performed address calculations ($ - Array1)
. This might be a reason for the observed behavior, but I’m not entirely sure.
According to the author's answer in the previous question, the location pointer $
is only incremented when the assembler encounters some instruction that emits object code.
Now the question is: what is happening in Program Code - 2? It seems like a variable declaration, so the location counter shouldn’t increment. But when looking at the result, it’s not like that. It seems to produce object code, though I’m not entirely sure.
Now, see Program Code - 3:
Program Code - 3
.model flat
Array1 DWORD 1,2,3,4,5
var1 DWORD ($ - Array1)
var2 DWORD $
start PROC
MOV EBX, var1
MOV ECX, var2
start ENDP
Program Code - 3 Output
EAX = 00DE4000
EBX = 00000014
ECX = 00DE4000
In Program Code - 2, var1 seems to have an offset pointing to the end of Array1
. As I mentioned, I don’t know the exact reason behind this behavior.
However, Program Code - 3 makes it even harder to predict what’s happening. For var1
, the location counter is incremented and then seems to be decremented or set back to the base address of Array1
Why this behavior?
Please feel free to correct me. I’m not sure how to use it exactly after these test cases. Provide some good guidance on working with this $
location counter.
It seems that there is a bug with
var2 DWORD $
I get the same bug with 64 bit MASM (ML64.EXE):
var2 QWORD $
Microsoft documentation states that the symbol $ is "the current value of the location counter", without any exceptions.
Making this change (DWORD -> EQU) gives expected results.
var2 EQU $
ECX = 00DE4018
Note that
MOV ECX,var2
is now an immediate (constant) load.
One way to have DWORD work properly is to use an equate.
ofs2 EQU $
var2 DWORD ofs2
or as suggested by Nate Eldredge:
var2 DWORD var2