
Foursquare API - v3/places/search - No results

Issue with Foursquare v3/places/search API Returning Empty Results in Lisbon


I've been using the v3/places/search API successfully, but since this morning, it has stopped returning results for some locations without any changes to my query parameters or headers.

Here is the API documentation.


  1. Lisbon, Portugal:

    • Previously working, now returns empty results.
    • Example URL:
  2. Madrid, Spain (or other locations):

    • Works fine and returns results.
    • Example URL:

I also tried using the ne and sw bounding box parameters to cover all of Portugal, but still no results.

Additional Details:

Could this be related to a database change or a regional issue in Portugal?

It also can't be any rate limit, because it's only me testing this locally!

Any help would be appreciated!


  • After speaking with the support team, the issue has been resolved. It looks like it was some issue on the backend side, didn't get any specific information about it.