Have an odd one here, getting the usual
MySQL Error 1452 - Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails
Except the foreign key in question exists, and I know so because the following (pseudo code) precedes the failing query.
A bit of context, this is being run inside a procedure, which has a couple of steps, which the first is to get an existing (foreign) record ID or create one. After some debugging it is obtaining the one from the joined table.
Here's an example of the code (not actual due to IP purposes)
CREATE PROCEDURE doStuff(v_namey VARCHAR, v_ref INT)
SELECT id FROM tableA WHERE ref = v_ref INTO @tableA_id;
IF (@tableA_id IS NULL) THEN
INSERT INTO tableA (.....);
SET @tableA_id = LAST_INSERT_ID();
-- Fails here due to the FK constraint failing on `tablea_id`.
INSERT INTO tableB (`name`, tablea_id, ...)
VALUES (v_namey, @tableA_id, ...);
This fails on the tablea_id
value failing the FK constant on (only) that field. The obvious idea is that my @tableA_id
is not a valid value, except it's what the SELECT ... INTO
gave me.
This is on the latest (Azure) MySQL database, and I've triple checked all the tables and constraints, data types, etc.
What I've also tried so far...
before the failing insert.DECLARE EXIT HANLDER
syntax), to provide the data that it's pulling.What is looks like is the SELECT .. INTO
is getting a valid ID from the table, and that value stays stored in the variable, but the INSERT is just not validating the id.
Is this a bug, or is there some transactional stuff that I'm missing?
Appreciate any ideas to try.
You have 2 issues in your example.
insert into tableA(tableA_id,a_name) values(1000,'name-100')
LAST_INSERD_ID() returns 0 or value from previous insert statement with auto generated value.insert into tableA(a_name) values('name-auto')
LAST_INSERD_ID() returns value of tableA_id for last insert statement.Simple test
create table tableA (tableA_id int auto_increment primary key, a_name varchar(100));
insert into tableA values (100,'NameA-100');
select LAST_INSERT_ID() as last_id;
insert into tableA (a_name) values ('NameA-auto');
select LAST_INSERT_ID() as last_id;
insert into tableA values (1000,'NameA-1000');
select LAST_INSERT_ID() as last_id;
select * from tableA;
last_id |
0 |
last_id |
101 |
last_id |
101 |
tableA_id | a_name |
100 | NameA-100 |
101 | NameA-auto |
1000 | NameA-1000 |
See example with your procedure
create table tableA (tableA_id int auto_increment primary key, a_name varchar(100));
create table tableB (id int primary key auto_increment
,b_name varchar(100)
,refA int
,foreign key (refA) references tableA(tableA_id));
create table logs (id int primary key auto_increment ,descr varchar(200));
Try insert rows to tableA and table_B
insert into tableA values (1,'NameA-1');
insert into tableB values (100,'NameB-1',1);
tableA_id | a_name |
1 | NameA-1 |
id | b_name | refA |
100 | NameB-1 | 1 |
In test procedure we have 2 cases for test.
CREATE PROCEDURE doStuff(v_namey VARCHAR(100), v_ref INT)
-- this row not exist in your procedure
set @tableA_id=null;
SELECT tableA_id FROM tableA WHERE tableA_id = v_ref INTO @tableA_id;
IF (@tableA_id IS NULL) THEN
if v_namey='Test1' then
INSERT INTO tableA values (1000,'NameA-1000');
INSERT INTO tableA (a_name) values ('NameA-auto');
end if;
SET @tableA_id = LAST_INSERT_ID();
insert into logs(descr) values(concat(v_namey,',',v_ref,',',@tableA_id));
-- Fails here due to the FK constraint failing on `tablea_id`.
INSERT INTO tableB (b_name, refA)
values (v_namey, @tablea_id);
Procedure logs to table `logs`` values ... @tableA_id.
Test call with auto_increment
call doStuff('testX',2);
Second - no autoincriment. LAST_INSERT_ID() returns value from previous call. You get 101 instead 1000.
call doStuff('test1',4);
Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`fiddle`.`tableB`, CONSTRAINT `tableB_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`refA`) REFERENCES `tableA` (`tableA_id`))
tableA_id | a_name |
1 | NameA-1 |
2 | NameA-auto |
1000 | NameA-1000 |
id | b_name | refA |
100 | NameB-1 | 1 |
101 | testX | 2 |
id | descr |
1 | testX,2,2 |
2 | test1,4,101 |
If we run test in another order, we can see in log table
call doStuff('test1',2);
Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`fiddle`.`tableB`, CONSTRAINT `tableB_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`refA`) REFERENCES `tableA` (`tableA_id`))
call doStuff('testX',4);
tableA_id | a_name |
1 | NameA-1 |
1000 | NameA-1000 |
1001 | NameA-auto |
id | b_name | refA |
100 | NameB-1 | 1 |
102 | testX | 1001 |
id | descr |
1 | test1,2,0 |
2 | testX,4,1001 |