
Extra line on path with rounded corners in tikz

I'm drawing a path in tikz with rounded corners,



        \draw[->, rounded corners = 5mm] (9,2) -- (9.2,1.7) -- (1.7,1.7) -- (1, 1); 

but there appears to be an extra line drawn at the beginning (highlighted by red circle below)?

enter image description here

How to I get rid of that?


  • If the top of your arc is only 3 mm above your line, latex has a hard time to squeeze a 5 mm rounded corner in there. To avoid this:

            \draw[->, rounded corners = 5mm] (9,2.2) -- (9.2,1.7) -- (1.7,1.7) -- (1, 1); 
            \draw[->] (9,2) to[in=0,out=-60] (8.8,1.7) [rounded corners = 5mm] -- (1.7,1.7) -- (1, 1); 

    enter image description here