I'm having trouble getting ggplot2
to work with Arabic and Hindi when flextable
is loaded.
Here's a first run that also includes English and Russian to demonstrate that everything works without flextable
library(dplyr) # data management
#library(flextable) # used elsewhere in application
library(ggplot2) # chart
datDf <- tibble(En = c("Orange","Purple"),
Ru = c("оранжевый","Пурпурный"),
Hi = c("नारंगी","जामुनी"),
Ar = c("برتقالي","بنفسجي"), # R handles the direction change
xMin = c(1,2),
xMax = c(3,4)) %>%
# keep rows in order for plot
mutate(across(c(En,Ru,Hi,Ar), ~factor(.x, levels=rev(.x))))
plotFun <- function(labLang){
# x-axis labels
xTiks <- switch(deparse(substitute(labLang)),
En = c("1.0\nAlmost Never",
"5.0\nAlmost Always"),
Ru = c("1.0\nПочти никогда",
"5.0\nПочти всегда"),
Hi = c("1.0\nलगभग कभी नही",
"2.0\nशायद ही कभी",
"5.0\nलगभग हमेशा"),
Ar = c("1.0\nتقريبًا لا على الإطلاق",
"3.0\nفي بعض الأحيان",
"5.0\nتقريبًا دائمًا")
plt1 <- ggplot(datDf, aes(y={{labLang}}, xmin=xMin, xmax=xMax)) +
plt2 <- if (deparse(substitute(labLang)) == "Ar") {
# handle right-to-left for Arabic
plt1 +
scale_x_reverse(labels=xTiks, limits=c(5,1)) +
} else {
plt1 +
scale_x_continuous(labels=xTiks, limits=c(1,5))
plotFun(En) # English
plotFun(Ru) # Russian
plotFun(Hi) # Hindi
plotFun(Ar) # Arabic
Plot outputs run as expected:
Here's the tricky part. If I remove the #
from library(flextable)
and re-run everything in the same session, it all still works. If I then restart the session and re-run everything, the English and Russian plots are still fine, but the Hindi plot is missing the labels, and the Arabic plot won't render at all:
The problem persists even if I unload flextable
and all of its dependencies before running the plot function:
unloadNamespace("Rcpp") # unload gdtools first
unloadNamespace("fontquiver") # unload gdtools first
unloadNamespace("fontLiberation") # unload fontquiver first
unloadNamespace("fontBitstreamVera") # unload fontquiver first
unloadNamespace("openssl") # unload officer first
unloadNamespace("askpass") # unload openssl first
unloadNamespace("uuid") # unload officer first
unloadNamespace("xml2") # unload officer first
unloadNamespace("zip") # unload officer first
unloadNamespace("ragg") # unload officer first
unloadNamespace("systemfonts") # unload gdtools, ragg, textshaping first
As far as I can tell, unloading all of those didn't remove anything that comes with dplyr
, ggplot2
, and whatever is there by default.
The problem isn't with things only working with the Latin alphabet because it still works with Russian, and the problem isn't with right-to-left languages because Hindi doesn't work either.
Thanks to @yuk's comments, I was able to narrow the problem down to the textshaping
package (a dependent of ragg
, which is a dependent of officer
, which is a dependent of flextable
). Upon a closer reading of this thread (How to unload a package without restarting R), I realized that unloadNamespace
wasn't doing everything I needed. Instead, plugging in pkgload::unload("textshaping")
before the plot functions solved the issue. Including library(textshaping)
after I've rendered the charts puts it back in place just fine for when I need it later.