I want to add a Windows top menu bar, like in Windows applications. I found MenuBar, but... how to deal with navigation or logic in general in MenuBar
? All the screens of my application and navigation logic are on my commonMain
Navigation logic needs to be also present on my commonMain
screens because they can also navigate between them with buttons, the same navigation that must have the MenuBar
should be shared between MenuBar
and the screens buttons navigation. This is like when you access the "Window" or "Screen" sections of a windows app top menu bar, they allow you navigate, but you also can switch screens with some buttons in the UI of the windows application.
is a desktop only composable, so it must be created on the Window
of the desktopMain
module, before displaying any ui screen placed on the commonMain
module. If it needs to execute navigation
, it need to hold a instance of the navcontroller
, and to pass the navcontroller
down in the appstateholder
to the commonMain
module screens. I followed the pattern in nowinandroid
I created an appstateholder
class with the navcontroller
, and I instantiated that in the commonMain
class AppStateHolder(
val navController: NavHostController = NavHostController()
) {
// UI State
val currentDestination: NavDestination?
@Composable get() = navController
// UI logic
fun navigate(route: String) {
This is my desktopMain
fun main() = application {
databaseBuilder = createDatabaseBuilder(),
val windowState = rememberWindowState(
size = DpSize(1200.dp, 900.dp),
position = WindowPosition(Alignment.Center)
val appStateHolder= remember { AppStateHolder() }
onCloseRequest = ::exitApplication,
title = stringResource(Res.string.app_name),
state = windowState
) {
onNavigation = { route -> appStateHolder.navigate(route) },
onExitEvent = ::exitApplication
MyApplicationTheme {
Then, in my commonMain
package I receive that appStateHolder
and use it for navigation:
fun App(appStateHolder: AppStateHolder) {
navController = appStateHolder.navController,
startDestination = ScreenRoute.MainScreen.name
) {
composable(ScreenRoute.MainScreen.name) {
modifier = Modifier.padding(16.dp),
onBusStopsDBButtonClicked = { appStateHolder.navigate(ScreenRoute.BusStopsDB.name) }
Well, this doesn't work, and gives me this runtime error on composable(ScreenRoute.MainScreen.name)
line of my desktopMain
Navigator with class "class androidx.navigation.compose.ComposeNavigator". You must call NavController.addNavigator() for each navigation type.
How can I solve it?
Is necessary to call rememberNavController inside the state holder:
navController: NavHostController = rememberNavController()
doing that, solves the issue, as done in nowinandroidapp:
fun rememberNiaAppState(
navController: NavHostController = rememberNavController(),
): NiaAppState {
return remember(
) {
navController = navController
class NiaAppState(
val navController: NavHostController