For a 0-1 image in pixel shape of MxN and a given integer A, a feasible solution of the problem is defined as a certain number of AxA shape of pixel squares whose union may cover all of the 1-pixels in MxN image, in which the edges of the squares are parallel to edge of MxN image and aligned to pixels. For all of the feasible solutions, I need to find any one of it who contains minimum number of squares.
What I want to ask is, is there any algorithm that may solve such problem or similar problems? Or, any suggestions about the region(Computer Vision? or Discrete Optimization?) I can seek for the algorithm I want?
Sub-optimal solution would be to use sliding window (square), find the biggest intersection area with the original image and remove that part from the image, then repeat util nothing is left.
Here how you can do it with python
Reading the image
from skimage import io, filters
from skimage.transform import resize
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
image = 1-io.imread("img.png", as_gray=True).astype(np.uint8)
image = resize(image, (25, 25))
t = filters.threshold_otsu(image)
image = (image>=t).astype(np.uint8)
def get_square_masks(image, square_size=15):
# copy the image to keep it unchanged
image_c = image.copy()
# this will create a view of (square_size, square_size) sliding window with stride=1
image_parts = util.view_as_windows(image_c, (square_size, square_size), 1)
masks = []
# repeat until you will get blank image
while image_c.sum() !=0 :
overlapping_areas = image_parts.sum(axis=(2, 3))
r, c = np.where(overlapping_areas==overlapping_areas.max())
# taking the first coordinates of maximum overlapping area,
# nice to have a check for others
# since it is view, setting 0 will set overlapped squares with 0 as well
image_parts[r[0], c[0]] = 0
# creating the square mask
r_start = r[0]
c_start = c[0]
r_end = r_start + square_size
c_end = c_start + square_size
mask = np.zeros_like(image_c)
mask[r_start:r_end,c_start:c_end] = 1
return masks
masks = get_square_masks(image, 15)
I got 4 masks with this naive approach. But I think it is good starting point. Further you may try to optimize the masks
by considering them as potential candidates. Since the number of masks depends on the first choice, we can iterate through the retrieved masks and pick other than the first one as our first choice and see whether it is more optimal, something like this:
import numpy as np
def try_reduce_masks(image, masks, square_size=15):
masks_min = masks
for m in masks[1:]:
# remove the mask from image
new_image = image*np.logical_xor(image, m).astype(np.uint8)
# get new masks with different starting point
new_masks = get_square_masks(new_image, square_size)
# by the end if get less masks then save it
if len(new_masks) < len(masks_min):
masks_min = new_masks
return masks_min
masks = try_reduce_masks(image, masks, 15)
In general I think we may start with boundary masks, i.e. with masks which has the biggest boundary intersection. The first iteration would be to find those boundary squares, and then continue as shown.
However, if you will have a look to overlapping_areas
from get_square_masks
function you will get overlapping areas per each step of sliding window (square). I believe from this map you can find smarter way of finding more optimal solution.
array([[177, 181, 181, 179, 175, 166, 153, 139, 124, 109, 94],
[178, 183, 184, 183, 180, 172, 159, 146, 132, 117, 102],
[175, 181, 183, 183, 181, 175, 163, 151, 138, 124, 109],
[170, 177, 180, 182, 182, 178, 168, 157, 145, 132, 117],
[161, 170, 175, 179, 181, 179, 171, 162, 151, 139, 125],
[150, 161, 168, 174, 178, 178, 172, 165, 156, 145, 132],
[137, 150, 159, 167, 173, 175, 171, 166, 159, 149, 137],
[123, 137, 148, 158, 166, 170, 168, 165, 160, 152, 141],
[108, 122, 135, 147, 157, 163, 163, 162, 159, 153, 144],
[ 94, 107, 121, 134, 146, 154, 156, 157, 156, 152, 145],
[ 82, 94, 107, 120, 133, 143, 147, 150, 151, 149, 144]])
for m in masks:
plt.imshow(m, alpha=0.3, interpolation='nearest',
I believe this can be solved by reinforcement learning by picking appropriate reward function. For example we can punish for small overlapping area and reward for less steps.
May be slightly better approach would be to prevent cutting the image into 2 ore more parts. For that purpose at each step we can check the number of connected components, and if it is more than 1, than recover the image and pick the next biggest, something like this:
from skimage import measure, util
import numpy as np
def get_square_masks(image, square_size=15):
# copy the image to keep it unchanged
image_c = image.copy()
# this will create a view of (square_size, square_size) sliding window with stride=1
image_parts = util.view_as_windows(image_c, (square_size, square_size), step=1)
masks = []
# repeat until you will get blank image
while image_c.sum() !=0 :
overlapping_areas = image_parts.sum(axis=(2, 3))
overlapping_areas_flat = overlapping_areas.ravel()
sorted_indices = np.argsort(overlapping_areas_flat)[::-1]
rr, cc = np.unravel_index(sorted_indices, overlapping_areas.shape)
# itereate by the biggest overlapping areas, but prevent to have 2 or more connected components
for r, c in zip(rr, cc):
# copy the part to recover in case it will cut the image into 2 or more parts
image_part_c = image_parts[r, c].copy()
image_parts[r, c] = 0
# check if you still have one connected component
if measure.label(image_c).max() <= 1:
image_parts[r, c] = image_part_c
# creating the square mask
r_start = r
c_start = c
r_end = r_start + square_size
c_end = c_start + square_size
mask = np.zeros_like(image_c)
mask[r_start:r_end,c_start:c_end] = 1
return masks