I'll say right away - this is my second day working with Python. So the question is probably simple. But for 2 days now I have not been able to find an answer to it. I want to use functions from the MacOS framework (IntelPowerGadget). At the moment I have written the following
if sys.platform == 'darwin':
bundle = objc.loadBundle(
functions = [('PG_Initialize', objc._C_VOID),]
objc.loadBundleFunctions(bundle, globals(), functions)
I can't figure out how to correctly describe and call PG_ReadSample (bool PG_ReadSample(int iPackage, PGSampleID* sampleID)) and PGSample_GetPackageTemperature(bool PGSample_GetPackageTemperature(PGSampleID sampleID, double* temp)). I can't find enough documentation either (I'd appreciate links - if I'm looking in the wrong place).
upd with @ali-saberi answer:
import objc
import ctypes
import sys
if sys.platform == 'darwin':
# Load the Intel Power Gadget framework
bundle = objc.loadBundle(
# Define PGSampleID as ctypes type (assuming it's an integer or a pointer type)
PGSampleID = ctypes.c_void_p # Assuming PGSampleID is a pointer. Adjust if it's another type.
# Define the functions
functions = [
('PG_Initialize', objc._C_BOOL),
('PG_ReadSample', objc._C_BOOL + objc._C_INT + objc._C_PTR + objc._C_ULNG_LNG),
('PGSample_GetPackageTemperature', objc._C_BOOL + objc._C_ULNG_LNG + objc._C_PTR + objc._C_DBL),
# Load the functions
objc.loadBundleFunctions(bundle, globals(), functions)
# Initialize the library
if not PG_Initialize():
print("Failed to initialize Intel Power Gadget")
# Use PG_ReadSample
sample_id = PGSampleID() # Placeholder for PGSampleID pointer
iPackage = 0 # Assume we're reading from package 0
if PG_ReadSample(iPackage, ctypes.byref(sample_id)):
print("Sample read successfully")
# Use PGSample_GetPackageTemperature
temperature = ctypes.c_double()
if PGSample_GetPackageTemperature(sample_id, ctypes.byref(temperature)):
print(f"Package Temperature: {temperature.value}°C")
print("Failed to get package temperature")
print("Failed to read sample")
there is error on "if PG_ReadSample(iPackage, ctypes.byref(sample_id)):":
"ValueError: depythonifying 'pointer', got 'CArgObject'"
working code
if sys.platform == 'darwin':
bundle = objc.loadBundle(
# bundle_path="/System/Library/Frameworks/IntelPowerGadget.framework",
functions = [
#the first parameter is always bool - method was successfully/unsuccessfully executed
#the last parameter is the return(_C_OUT) value as a pointer(_C_PTR). When calling, we specify it as None, but as second return value
#bool PG_Initialize(void)
('PG_Initialize', objc._C_BOOL),
#bool PG_ReadSample(int iPackage, PGSampleID* sampleID)
('PG_ReadSample', objc._C_BOOL + objc._C_INT + objc._C_OUT + objc._C_PTR + objc._C_ULNG_LNG),
#bool PGSample_GetPackageTemperature(PGSampleID sampleID, double* temp)
('PGSample_GetPackageTemperature', objc._C_BOOL + objc._C_ULNG_LNG + objc._C_OUT + objc._C_PTR + objc._C_DBL),
objc.loadBundleFunctions(bundle, globals(), functions)
if not PG_Initialize():
print("Failed to initialize Intel Power Gadget")
iPackage = 0
result, sample_id = PG_ReadSample(iPackage, None)
if result:
print("Sample read successfully")
# Use PGSample_GetPackageTemperature
temp_result, temperature = PGSample_GetPackageTemperature(sample_id, None)
if temp_result:
print(f"Package Temperature: {temperature}°C")
print("Failed to get package temperature")
print("Failed to read sample")