Is there any way to create a temporary table in Google Cloud Spanner through:
SELECT * INTO <temp table> FROM <table name>
where I can then use the temp table with multiple other queries in the same batch?
That is not directly supported in the way that you describe. There are a couple of alternatives:
CREATE TABLE temp_table (id int64, value string(max)) primary key (id);
INSERT INTO temp_table (id, value) SELECT * FROM table_name;
Note that the insert statement is limited by the mutation limit in Spanner: (Mutations per commit)
WITH temp_table AS (
FROM table_name
SELECT col1, col2
FROM temp_table
One limitation of common table expressions, is that they are only visible to the query they are defined. It is not possible to re-use the same common table expression in multiple queries, other than by repeating the definition in the query.