
Previous preparation error: The developer disk image could not be mounted on this device

I'm currently using Xcode 15 (15A240d) and iOS 17.0.3 When trying to connect my iOS device, I get this error message:

enter image description here

This started to happen with my company iPhone when I upgraded to iOS17 and it was working fine with my personal phone. Af first glance I though it happen because it's a managed device, as it looked like a permission issue related with the latest iOS/Xcode versions. But now, it just started to happen in my personal device also... so currently I'm not able to run to any of my devices. Also this is also happening to some of my co-workers, and it's really a annoying situation.

I did not see anything recent regarding this issue on google, so if anyone was some clue on this it would be really appreciated!!

The only post i'm able to find related with this issue is this one:

I've tried all the things here, but I'm still stuck on the same place


  • I was facing same issue, all because of folder permission issue, it resolved by running this on terminal sudo chmod a+w /private/var/tmp/