I'm trying to figure out a way to replace all these indirect
into this formula:
MAP($A9:$A; LAMBDA(x; IF(AND(x <> ""; index(AL:AL; ROW(x)) <> "");
(COUNTIFS(indirect("DY"&ROW(x)&":"&ROW(x)); "P"; $DY$6:$6; $AL$6; $DY$5:$5; "H") +
COUNTIFS(indirect("DY"&ROW(x)&":"&ROW(x)); "D"; $DY$6:$6; $AL$6; $DY$5:$5; "H")) /
(COUNTIFS(indirect("DY"&ROW(x)&":"&ROW(x)); "P"; $DY$6:$6; $AL$6; $DY$5:$5; "H") +
COUNTIFS(indirect("DY"&ROW(x)&":"&ROW(x)); "D"; $DY$6:$6; $AL$6; $DY$5:$5; "H") +
COUNTIFS(indirect("DY"&ROW(x)&":"&ROW(x)); "I"; $DY$6:$6; $AL$6; $DY$5:$5; "H") +
COUNTIFS(indirect("DY"&ROW(x)&":"&ROW(x)); "E"; $DY$6:$6; $AL$6; $DY$5:$5; "H") +
COUNTIFS(indirect("DY"&ROW(x)&":"&ROW(x)); "A"; $DY$6:$6; $AL$6; $DY$5:$5; "H"))
; "-")
; "")))}
I used the following formula until now but it stops working as soon as I modify the cell or even when I just copy/clear then paste back the same formula into the same cell (it seems that index(DY:; ROW(x)) : index (DY:;ROW(x))
is no longer supported or recognized as part of a formula).
MAP($A9:$A; LAMBDA(x; IF(AND(x <> ""; index(AL:AL; ROW(x)) <> "");
(COUNTIFS(index(DY:; ROW(x)) : index(DY:;ROW(x)); "P"; $DY$6:$6; $AL$6; $DY$5:$5; "H") +
COUNTIFS(index(DY:; ROW(x)) : index(DY:;ROW(x)); "D"; $DY$6:$6; $AL$6; $DY$5:$5; "H")) /
(COUNTIFS(index(DY:; ROW(x)) : index(DY:;ROW(x)); "P"; $DY$6:$6; $AL$6; $DY$5:$5; "H") +
COUNTIFS(index(DY:; ROW(x)) : index(DY:;ROW(x)); "D"; $DY$6:$6; $AL$6; $DY$5:$5; "H") +
COUNTIFS(index(DY:; ROW(x)) : index(DY:;ROW(x)); "I"; $DY$6:$6; $AL$6; $DY$5:$5; "H") +
COUNTIFS(index(DY:; ROW(x)) : index(DY:;ROW(x)); "E"; $DY$6:$6; $AL$6; $DY$5:$5; "H") +
COUNTIFS(index(DY:; ROW(x)) : index(DY:;ROW(x)); "A"; $DY$6:$6; $AL$6; $DY$5:$5; "H"))
; "-")
; "")))}
I need to replace indirect because my spreadsheet has a lot of them and it slows down the sheet (or even prevents certain parts of my sheet from working). Is there a way to replace indirect or just to make the system recognize the code again?
You may try this in place of indirect
countifs(xmatch(index(D:D,row(x)):index(ZZZ:ZZZ,row(x)),{"P","D"})^0, 1, D2:2, C2, D1:1, "H") /
countifs(xmatch(index(D:D,row(x)):index(ZZZ:ZZZ,row(x)),{"P","D","I","E","A"})^0, 1, D2:2, C2, D1:1, "H")
, "-")),))))