I have a data sheet in Excel that I'm trying to manipulate the data with. One of the outcomes is that one cell should be cleared out and copy/pasted (or cut/pasted) into another cell as desired.
Below is the code I'm using to manipulate the sheet with:
In this case I'm trying to merge a column named Target into Destination
$SomeSheet = "C:\Some\Path\lorem.xlsx"
$MasterDBSheetName = "Database"
$MasterDBSheet = Import-Excel -Path $MasterDBPath -WorksheetName $MasterDBSheetName
foreach ($dbRow in $MasterDBSheet) {
$row_target = $dbRow.'Target"
$row_destination = $dbRow.'Destination'
$merge = $row_target + " " + $row_destination
$dbRow.'Target' = $null
$dbRow."Destination' = $merge
$MasterDBSheet | Export-Excel -Path $MasterDBPath -WorksheetName $MasterDBSheetName
The data is being merged into "Destination" for each row, but despite being set as $null
or ""
, the original data for Target
is still in the same column even though it should be cleared.
I have managed to clear everything if I used —ClearWorksheet
, but I was hoping to keep the formatting of the first row at least.
Assuming you know what Column Index is the Target
column, you could try with Set-ExcelColumn
setting the -Value
to null
$SomeSheet = 'C:\Some\Path\lorem.xlsx'
$MasterDBSheetName = 'Database'
$pkg = Open-ExcelPackage -Path $SomeSheet
$content = Import-Excel -ExcelPackage $pkg -WorksheetName $MasterDBSheetName
foreach ($dbRow in $content) {
$dbRow.Destination = $dbRow.Target + ' ' + $dbRow.Destination
$dbRow.Target = $null
# here you set the value of the desired column to null
$setExcelColumnSplat = @{
ExcelPackage = $pkg
WorksheetName = $MasterDBSheetName
# assuming `Destination` is the first column
Column = 1
# assuming the data starts on row 1
StartRow = 1
Value = $null
Set-ExcelColumn @setExcelColumnSplat
# then export the updated worksheet
$MasterDBSheet | Export-Excel -ExcelPackage $pkg -WorksheetName $MasterDBSheetName