By now, everyone knows that the candles on a financial chart should be green if the close is higher than the open and red if the close is higher than the open.
This is a sample
But as you can see, many are adapting by setting the color of the candles on the close of the previous candle. That is, if the current close is higher than the close of the previous point, the candle will be green, otherwise red.
The logic adapts to the closing price of the previous point and no longer to the opening and closing of the single point.
Now see the question
Starting from the financial graph provided by chart.js already exposed above
is there a way to adapt the new candlestick logic for the previous point, so not for the opening and closing price of the single candle?
I'm trying to modify the plugin, but to no avail.
The value it's not overwritten.
let previousClose = null;
class CandlestickElement extends FinancialElement {
static id = 'candlestick';
static defaults = {
borderWidth: 1,
draw(ctx) {
const me = this;
const {x, open, high, low, close} = me;
let borderColors = me.options.borderColors;
let fillColors = me.options.fillColors;
if (typeof borderColors === 'string') {
borderColors = {
up: borderColors,
down: borderColors,
unchanged: borderColors
if (typeof fillColors === 'string') {
fillColors = {
up: fillColors,
down: fillColors,
unchanged: fillColors
let borderColor;
let fillColor;
ctx.lineWidth = helpers.valueOrDefault(me.options.borderWidth, chart_js.defaults.elements.candlestick.borderWidth);
if (previousClose === null || close > previousClose) {
borderColor = 'green';
fillColor = 'green';
} else if (close < previousClose) {
borderColor = 'red';
fillColor = 'red';
} else {
borderColor = 'grey';
fillColor = 'grey';
console.log(fillColor, previousClose, close);
previousClose = close;
ctx.fillStyle = fillColor;
ctx.moveTo(x, high);
ctx.lineTo(x, Math.min(open, close));
ctx.moveTo(x, low);
ctx.lineTo(x, Math.max(open, close));
ctx.fillRect(x - me.width / 2, close, me.width, open - close);
ctx.strokeRect(x - me.width / 2, close, me.width, open - close);
The strange thing is that if you enter the same value for all
ctx.fillStyle = 'violet';
the value is overwritten correctly for all candles, so you will see on the chart all candles with the new value set.
The reason seems that the iteration on the candle is executed multiple times (I should figure out why or how to reset previousClose
at each cycle).
You can see it by inserting
console.log('Drawing candle at x:', x, 'Previous Close:', previousClose, 'Current Close:', close);
in the draw(ctx)
function immediately after the line
const { x, open, high, low, close } = me;
Each candlestick element object has enough information for us to compute the colors locally, without transferring the value from one element to the next.
The variables close
, open
, high
, etc. are in pixels; however
the element's $context
property has references for the current
and the whole dataset. You can then define the colors this way:
const dataIndex = this.$context.dataIndex,
data = this.$,
dataClose = data[dataIndex].c,
previousDataClose = dataIndex === 0 ? null : data[dataIndex - 1].c;
if (previousDataClose === null || dataClose > previousDataClose) {
borderColor = 'green';
fillColor = 'green';
} else if (dataClose < previousDataClose) {
borderColor = 'red';
fillColor = 'red';
} else {
borderColor = 'grey';
fillColor = 'grey';
Here's a snippet based on the example in the docs including the piece of code from above; it also features a way to make those changes by implementing derived classes of the existing controller and element, rather than directly modifying their source code; that has the advantage that the code could use possible future updates of the financial charts extension:
const CandlestickElement = Chart.registry.getElement('candlestick');
const CandlestickController = Chart.registry.getController('candlestick')
class CandlestickCorrectColorsElement extends CandlestickElement {
static id = 'candlestick-correct-colors';
draw(ctx) {
const me = this;
const {x, open, high, low, close} = me;
let borderColor;
let fillColor;
ctx.lineWidth = this.options.borderWidth ?? Chart.defaults.elements.candlestick.borderWidth;
const dataIndex = this.$context.dataIndex,
data = this.$,
dataClose = data[dataIndex].c,
previousDataClose = dataIndex === 0 ? null : data[dataIndex - 1].c;
if (previousDataClose === null || dataClose > previousDataClose) {
borderColor = 'green';
fillColor = 'green';
} else if (dataClose < previousDataClose) {
borderColor = 'red';
fillColor = 'red';
} else {
borderColor = 'grey';
fillColor = 'grey';
ctx.fillStyle = fillColor;
ctx.strokeStyle = borderColor;
ctx.moveTo(x, high);
ctx.lineTo(x, Math.min(open, close));
ctx.moveTo(x, low);
ctx.lineTo(x, Math.max(open, close));
ctx.fillRect(x - me.width / 2, close, me.width, open - close);
ctx.strokeRect(x - me.width / 2, close, me.width, open - close);
class CandlestickCorrectColorsController extends CandlestickController{
static id = 'candlestick-correct-colors';
static defaults = {
Chart.register(CandlestickCorrectColorsElement, CandlestickCorrectColorsController);
const barCount = 60;
const initialDateStr = new Date().toUTCString();
const ctx = document.getElementById('chart').getContext('2d');
ctx.canvas.width = 1000;
ctx.canvas.height = 350;
const barData = new Array(barCount);
const lineData = new Array(barCount);
const chart = new Chart(ctx, {
type: 'candlestick-correct-colors',
data: {
datasets: [{
label: 'CHRT - Chart.js Corporation',
data: barData,
}, {
label: 'Close price',
type: 'line',
data: lineData,
hidden: true,
function randomNumber(min, max) {
return Math.random() * (max - min) + min;
function randomBar(target, index, date, lastClose) {
const open = +randomNumber(lastClose * 0.95, lastClose * 1.05).toFixed(2);
const close = +randomNumber(open * 0.95, open * 1.05).toFixed(2);
const high = +randomNumber(Math.max(open, close), Math.max(open, close) * 1.1).toFixed(2);
const low = +randomNumber(Math.min(open, close) * 0.9, Math.min(open, close)).toFixed(2);
if (!target[index]) {
target[index] = {};
Object.assign(target[index], {
x: date.valueOf(),
o: open,
h: high,
l: low,
c: close
function getRandomData(dateStr) {
let date = luxon.DateTime.fromRFC2822(dateStr);
for (let i = 0; i < barData.length;) {
date ={days: 1});
if (date.weekday <= 5) {
randomBar(barData, i, date, i === 0 ? 30 : barData[i - 1].c);
lineData[i] = {x: barData[i].x, y: barData[i].c};
<div style="height: 350px">
<canvas id="chart">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
An important case I missed, was pointed out by @user27160653 in messages: when animation is disabled (animation: false
in options), there is no $context
property on the candlestick elements, so the initial solution didn't work. To cover for that case, I've overridden the method calculateElementProperties
of the CandlestickController
in the new CandlestickCorrectColorsController
to add the $context
properties needed by the element:
class CandlestickCorrectColorsController extends CandlestickController{
calculateElementProperties(index, ruler, reset, options){
const props = super.calculateElementProperties(index, ruler, reset, options);
props.$context = {
dataIndex: index,
return props;
At this point, any other property name could have been used, but there's no harm in sticking with $context
, on the contrary, when animation is enabled, there's no duplicate information.
That piece of code is already added to the above snippet.
Your initial idea could also be made to work, but it requires that
the global variable previousClose
is initialized each time (before)
the dataset is drawn. That could be implemented in a plugin;
here I saved the value of previousClose
in chart.$context
const plugin4CandlestickCorrectColors = {
id: 'plugin-candlestick-correct-colors',
beforeDatasetDraw: function(chart){
chart.$context.previousClose = null;
This plugin has to be registered together with the classes. Here's the snippet:
const CandlestickElement = Chart.registry.getElement('candlestick');
const CandlestickController = Chart.registry.getController('candlestick')
class CandlestickCorrectColorsElement extends CandlestickElement {
static id = 'candlestick-correct-colors';
draw(ctx) {
const me = this;
const {x, open, high, low, close} = me;
let borderColor;
let fillColor;
ctx.lineWidth = this.options.borderWidth ?? Chart.defaults.elements.candlestick.borderWidth ?? 0;
const previousClose = this.$context.chart.$context.previousClose;
if (previousClose === null || close > previousClose) {
borderColor = 'green';
fillColor = 'green';
} else if (close < previousClose) {
borderColor = 'red';
fillColor = 'red';
} else {
borderColor = 'grey';
fillColor = 'grey';
this.$context.chart.$context.previousClose = close;
ctx.fillStyle = fillColor;
ctx.strokeStyle = borderColor;
ctx.moveTo(x, high);
ctx.lineTo(x, Math.min(open, close));
ctx.moveTo(x, low);
ctx.lineTo(x, Math.max(open, close));
ctx.fillRect(x - me.width / 2, close, me.width, open - close);
ctx.strokeRect(x - me.width / 2, close, me.width, open - close);
class CandlestickCorrectColorsController extends CandlestickController{
static id = 'candlestick-correct-colors';
static defaults = {
const plugin4CandlestickCorrectColors = {
id: 'plugin-candlestick-correct-colors',
beforeDatasetDraw: function(chart){
chart.$context.previousClose = null;
Chart.register(CandlestickCorrectColorsElement, CandlestickCorrectColorsController, plugin4CandlestickCorrectColors);
const barCount = 60;
const initialDateStr = new Date().toUTCString();
const ctx = document.getElementById('chart').getContext('2d');
ctx.canvas.width = 1000;
ctx.canvas.height = 350;
const barData = new Array(barCount);
const lineData = new Array(barCount);
const chart = new Chart(ctx, {
type: 'candlestick-correct-colors',
data: {
datasets: [{
label: 'CHRT - Chart.js Corporation',
data: barData,
}, {
label: 'Close price',
type: 'line',
data: lineData,
hidden: true,
function randomNumber(min, max) {
return Math.random() * (max - min) + min;
function randomBar(target, index, date, lastClose) {
const open = +randomNumber(lastClose * 0.95, lastClose * 1.05).toFixed(2);
const close = +randomNumber(open * 0.95, open * 1.05).toFixed(2);
const high = +randomNumber(Math.max(open, close), Math.max(open, close) * 1.1).toFixed(2);
const low = +randomNumber(Math.min(open, close) * 0.9, Math.min(open, close)).toFixed(2);
if (!target[index]) {
target[index] = {};
Object.assign(target[index], {
x: date.valueOf(),
o: open,
h: high,
l: low,
c: close
function getRandomData(dateStr) {
let date = luxon.DateTime.fromRFC2822(dateStr);
for (let i = 0; i < barData.length;) {
date ={days: 1});
if (date.weekday <= 5) {
randomBar(barData, i, date, i === 0 ? 30 : barData[i - 1].c);
lineData[i] = {x: barData[i].x, y: barData[i].c};
<div style="height: 350px">
<canvas id="chart">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>