I have developed a submodel that I am using throughout my project and it has an outer parameter:
model Submodel
outer parameter Real toto;
end Submodel;
Then, for each component of my project, I just start with the definition of the inner parameter:
model Model
inner parameter Real toto = 1;
Submodel submodel1;
Submodel submodel2;
end Model;
That's really convenient for my project and I don't want to modify this, unless there's a clean workaround. Just to be clear, I actually have more than two instances, hence the use of an outer parameter.
Now, the issue is that I have a specific model that requires the use of two different values for the parameter toto, for two instances of the submodel. I thought of something like:
model SpecificModel
Submodel submodel1(toto=1);
Submodel submodel2(toto=2);
end SpecificModel;
But Dymola throw me out with an Outer component with non-empty modifier
. Any idea how to go around the outer
or redeclare the parameter itself in the instance declaration?
You cannot directly do that, but have to introduce an extra layer:
model SpecificModel
SpecificAdapater1 submodel1(toto=1);
SpecificAdapater2 submodel2(toto=2);
end SpecificModel;
model SpecificAdapater1
inner parameter Real toto;
Submodel submodel1;
end SpecificAdapater1;
model SpecificAdapater2
inner parameter Real toto;
Submodel submodel2;
end SpecificAdapater2;
It might be that there should be more differences between SpecificAdapater1
and SpecificAdapater2
- or on the other hand that they could be the same class.