I'm using the simr
package in R to conduct a power analysis for a two-level poisson regression model. I'm trying to plot a power curve to understand the influence of the number of observations per cluster. However, I'm encountering issues with the powerCurve()
I'm trying to plot the power curve using
power_curve2 <- powerCurve(model, within="x + Z ", breaks=c(20,50,80,100), nsim = 10)
This should theoretically plot a power curve with different values for the number of clusters (defined by the breaks
). However I get the following Error:
Error in plot.window(...) : need finite 'xlim' values In addition: Warning messages: 1: In min(x) : no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf 2: In max(x) : no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
Any idea, on how I can plot the power curve?
This is the code setting up the model for the power simulation:
#### Specification of Input Parameters ####
### Specification of standardized input parameters ###
L1_DE_standardized <- .1 ## standardized L1 direct effect
L2_DE_standardized <- .3 ## standardized L2 direct effect
CLI_E_standardized = .3 ## standardized CLI effect
rand.sl = .09 ## standardized random slope variance component
ICC <- .30 ## standardized intraclass correlation coefficient
cor.i.sl = .00 ## Correlation between random slope and random intercept
alpha.S <- .05 ## significance level
Size.clus <- 100 ## L1 sample size (cluster size)
N.clus <- 30 ## L2 sample size (number of clusters)
### Derivation of a population model for the power analysis ###
## Specification of predictor variables ##
x <- scale(rep(1:Size.clus))
g <- as.factor(1:N.clus)
X <- cbind(expand.grid("x"=x, "g"=g))
X <- data.frame(X, Z=as.numeric(X$g))
X$Z <- scale(X$Z)
## Specification of the outcome variable ##
varL1 <- 1 ## uncond. L1 variance (fixed at 1)
s <- sqrt((varL1)*(1-(L1_DE_standardized^2))) ## cond. L1 variance (Equation 11)
varL2 <- ICC/(1-ICC) ## uncond. L2 variance (Equation 10)
V1 <- varL2*(1-(L2_DE_standardized^2)) ## cond. L2 variance (Equation 11)
## Adjustment of the random slope variance ##
varRS <- rand.sl*varL1 ## uncond. random slope variance (Equation 13)
condRS <- varRS*(1-(CLI_E_standardized^2)) ## cond. Random slope variance (Equation 11)
## Covariance of random intercept and slope (Equation 14) ##
cov.i.sl <- cor.i.sl*sqrt(varL2)*sqrt(varRS)
## Adjustment of fixed effects (Equation 15) ##
L1_DE <- L1_DE_standardized*sqrt(varL1)
L2_DE <- L2_DE_standardized*sqrt(varL2)
CLI_E <- CLI_E_standardized*sqrt(varRS)
#### Implementation of a Power Analysis in a Two-Level Model in SIMR ####
### Vector of fixed effects ###
b <- c(0, L1_DE, L2_DE, CLI_E)
rand_sl.con <- varRS*(1-(CLI_E_standardized^2))
### Random intercept/slope variance-covariance matrix ###
V2 <- matrix(c(V1, cov.i.sl, cov.i.sl, rand_sl.con), 2)
model <- makeGlmer(y ~ x + Z + x:Z + (x|g),
fixef=b, VarCorr=V2,
family="poisson", data=X)
### Simulating power for the L1 direct effect ###
sim.ef <- powerSim(model,
simdat_Table2 <- cbind(effect="x",
power_curve2 <- powerCurve(model, within="x + Z ", breaks=c(20,50,80,100), nsim = 10)
# trying to plot power curve
I believe the answer lies in the documentation for ?powerCurve
. There it says that the breaks
argument is only used when along
is specified as an argument instead of within
. This should give you the desired power curve, as a function of the number of clusters (g
is the variable representing cluster identity).
power_curve2 <- powerCurve(model, along = 'g', breaks=c(5,10,15,20), nsim = 10)