I have an interest in cryptography and have decided to try and write an AES library. However it has been a long time since I have programmed cpp and I'm a bit rusty. I have this code in my AES.cpp file:
#include "AES.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdint>
void initialize_aes(int Nk){
int Nr;
try {
if(Nk == 4){
Nr = 10;
} else if(Nk == 6){
Nr = 12;
} else if(Nk == 8){
Nr = 14;
} else {
throw (Nk);
catch (int a){
std::cout << "error: '" << a << "' is not an accepted value for key length";
and this code in my main.cpp file:
#include "AES.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdint>
int main(){
uint8_t i[256];
std::cout << Nr;
Yes the files are linked properly and there is a AES.h file. I just didn't include that in this post.
What I want is to be able to declare and define the Nr variable then call it in the main.cpp file. I have tried classes and the extern tag but they did not work and I am not sure if I did them right. Ideally I would use a class but I am having problems putting a variable into a function and having the function set that variable as a class. AES.cpp:
class AES {
int Nr;
int Nk;
int Nb = 4;
void initialize_aes(a, int Nk){
try {
if(Nk == 4){
AES a;
AES_4.Nr = 10;
AES_4.Nk = 4;
} else if(Nk == 6){
AES a;
AES_6.Nr = 12;
AES_6.Nk = 6;
} else if(Nk == 8){
AES a;
AES_8.Nr = 14;
AES_6.Nk = 8;
} else {
throw (Nk);
catch (int a){
std::cout << "error: '" << a << "' is not an accepted value for key length";
int main(){
AES aes; //I am not sure what the best format would be to put it in the function
initialize_aes(aes, 6);
std::cout << aes.Nr;
What I need is to just create a new class object inside the function that can be called anywhere. Do I need to use a different return type? Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
I would recommend not being able to construct AES
objects that need to be initialized with a separate function afterwards. Instead, make sure they are all constructed with a valid state.
#pragma once // or a portable header guard
class AES {
AES(int Nk);
int m_Nk;
int m_Nr;
int m_Nb = 4;
#include "AES.h"
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
AES::AES(int Nk) : m_Nk(Nk), m_Nr(Nk + 6) {
if (m_Nk < 4 || m_Nk > 8 || (m_Nk % 2)) {
throw std::runtime_error("Invalid AES key length: " +
#include "AES.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>
int main(){
try {
AES aes(6);
std::cout << aes.m_Nr << '\n';
} catch (const std::exception& ex) {
std::cerr << "ERROR: " << ex.what() << '\n';