i have this query and it works well
select label,dateadded,headline,description,
case when label = 'Info' then 'blue'
when label = 'News' then 'orange'
when label = 'App Update' then 'red'
end the_color
from news
where dateon <= sysdate and dateoff >= sysdate
order by dateadded desc
but is ther a way to use instaed the colors blue... the css from apex with stateful colors like: u-danger or u-danger-text
i have tryet to replace the case with:
case when label = 'Info' then 'u-info-text'
when label = 'News' then 'u-warning-text'
when label = 'App Update' then 'u-danger-text'
end the_color
but its not working, seems he cannot find the css styles,
thanks for your help
This is an example based on Scott's EMP
sample table. It uses code similar to yours; I'll paint different jobs into different colors.
Interactive report source query:
select ename, job, sal,
case when job = 'CLERK' then 'u-info-text'
when job = 'ANALYST' then 'u-warning-text'
when job = 'MANAGER' then 'u-danger-text'
end as the_color
from emp
where deptno = 20
In Apex, edit JOB
column's HTML Expression property (under "Column formatting" section) and set it to
<span class="#THE_COLOR#">#JOB#</span>
Basically, we're setting class to value set by the THE_COLOR
column value (e.g. "u-info-text") and apply it to JOB
column value (e.g. "CLERK").
Run the page; result is