I'm trying to put a flag on claims that has an Approved followed by a Terminated on the same date. So in the example below ClaimID = 123 has both an Approved and a Terminated on 12/12/2024 and this would have a flag = 1. The Approved has to come first, so in this example the Approved on 12/12 came at 01:19 and the Terminated on 12/12 at 01:20. The same holds true for ClaimID = 333.
The dataset looks as follows:
ClaimID | Status | CompleteDate |
123 | Terminated | 12/12/2024 01:20 |
123 | Approved | 12/12/2024 01:19 |
123 | Approved | 12/10/2024 02:00 |
123 | Cancelled | 12/23/2024 02:01 |
234 | Cancelled | 03/25/2024 03:00 |
234 | Approved | 03/24/2024 02:20 |
234 | Terminated | 03/25/2024 02:22 |
333 | Approved | 04/01/2024 03:00 |
333 | Terminated | 04/01/2024 03:02 |
444 | Terminated | 04/02/2024 03:00 |
444 | Approved | 04/02/2024 03:02 |
The desired output would look like:
ClaimID | Status | CompleteDate | Flag |
123 | Approved | 12/10/2024 | 0 |
123 | Approved | 12/12/2024 | 1 |
123 | Terminated | 12/12/2024 | 1 |
123 | Cancelled | 12/23/2024 | 0 |
234 | Approved | 03/24/2024 | 0 |
234 | Terminated | 03/25/2024 | 0 |
234 | Cancelled | 03/25/2024 | 0 |
333 | Approved | 04/01/2024 | 1 |
333 | Terminated | 04/01/2024 | 1 |
444 | Terminated | 04/02/2024 | 0 |
444 | Approved | 04/02/2024 | 0 |
declare @t table (
claimid int,
status varchar(100),
completedate datetime
insert into @t (claimid, status, completedate)
(123, 'Terminated', '12/12/2024 01:20'),
(123, 'Approved', '12/12/2024 01:19' ),
(123, 'Approved', '12/10/2024 02:00'),
(123, 'Cancelled', '12/23/2024 02:01'),
(234, 'Cancelled', '03/25/2024 03:00'),
(234, 'Approved', '03/24/2024 02:20'),
(234, 'Terminated', '03/25/2024 02:22'),
(333, 'Approved', '04/01/2024 03:00'),
(333, 'Terminated', '04/01/2024 02:40'),
(444, 'Terminated', '04/02/2024 03:00'),
(444, 'Approved', '04/02/2024 03:02');
select *
from @t;
I've tried a window function using lead
but it's not working. I'm thinking it doesn't work because the data isn't sorted properly but I can't figure out how to keep the sort order when doing the function.
My query is:
select *,
case when (status = 'Approved' and lead(status, 1) over (partition by claimid, completedate
order by completedate ASC) = 'Terminated') then 1 else 0 end as Flag
from #test
Rather than using lead
use a conditional sum partitioned by claimid
and completeddate
which checks for either of the statuses and if it finds more than 1 we have a match.
select *
, case when sum(case when status = 'Approved' or status = 'Terminated' then 1 else 0 end)
over (partition by claimid, completedate) > 1 then 1 else 0 end Flag
from @t;
In order to tighten up the check to ensure that 'Terminated' follows 'Approved' we can use the following solution which for 'Approved' looks ahead within the same date and claim for a 'Terminated' and for 'Terminated' looks behind within the same date and claim for an 'Approved':
select *
, case when max(case when status = 'Terminated' then 1 else 0 end)
over (
partition by claimid, convert(date, completedate)
order by completedate desc rows between unbounded preceding and 1 preceding
) = 1 or
max(case when status = 'Approved' then 1 else 0 end)
over (
partition by claimid, convert(date, completedate)
order by completedate asc rows between unbounded preceding and 1 preceding
) = 1 then 1 else 0 end Flag
from @t;
Note: This could still fail is there were multiple 'Approved' and 'Terminated' events for the same claim and date.