
create transparent box with colored rounded corners in jetpack compose

I want to create a Box with Transparent background with rounded corners that is for example Red (In jetpack compose android kotlin). I can put two Box on each other that below one is Green and top one in Red with rounded corners, but the issue is that if i want to Transparent the top one, we will see green, but i don't want to green be shown, i want transparent

I want exactly something like this :

enter image description here


  • You can achieve this using BlendModes.

    First, set compositionStrategy to CompositingStrategy.Offscreen in graphicsLayer.

    Then apply BlendMode to Rectangle while drawing rounded rectangle to get their intersection and remove content of Composable from it.


    enter image description here


    fun TransparentBoxTest() {
            modifier = Modifier
        ) {
                modifier = Modifier
                    .graphicsLayer {
                        compositingStrategy = CompositingStrategy.Offscreen
                    .drawWithContent {
                        // Source
                            color = Color.Blue,
                            cornerRadius = CornerRadius(64.dp.toPx()),
                            color = Color.Red,
                            blendMode = BlendMode.SrcOut
            ) {

    Modifier to draw checker pattern on parent Column

    fun Modifier.drawChecker() = this.then(
        drawBehind {
            val width = this.size.width
            val height = this.size.height
            val checkerWidth = 10.dp.toPx()
            val checkerHeight = 10.dp.toPx()
            val horizontalSteps = (width / checkerWidth).toInt()
            val verticalSteps = (height / checkerHeight).toInt()
            for (y in 0..verticalSteps) {
                for (x in 0..horizontalSteps) {
                    val isGrayTile = ((x + y) % 2 == 1)
                        color = if (isGrayTile) Color.LightGray else Color.White,
                        topLeft = Offset(x * checkerWidth, y * checkerHeight),
                        size = Size(checkerWidth, checkerHeight)