
Count MAX Date Meeting Criteria in Cells Containing Multiple Dates

In Google Sheets, I am using the formula shown below to count dates meeting this criterion: >=7/1/2023

=SUM(ARRAYFORMULA(COUNTIF(IFERROR(SPLIT(REGEXREPLACE(IMPORTRANGE("[sheet id]","'Oct 2022'!$O$5:$O$200"),"[\n, ]",CHAR(10)),CHAR(10)),IMPORTRANGE("[sheet id]","'Oct 2022'!$O$5:$O$200")),">="&DATE(2023,7,1))))

The formula works fine, whether the cell contains a single date (e.g. 7/1/2023) or multiple dates (e.g. 6/30/2022, 7/1/2023, 8/22/2023, etc.).

How would I rewrite the formula so that it counts only the MAX date in a multi-date cell, so long as that MAX date meets the specified criteria?

UPDATE Formula examples.

For anyone who might benefit from a spreadsheet formula that counts dates — and/or parts of strings within a particular range that appear like dates — the formula shown in the original post above works as described. I have already used this formula productively on multiple projects.

What I am trying to do is adjust this formula so the parts of a string that look like dates within any particular cell in a given range are counted only if those "dates" are the most recent "date" within a cell containing more than one "date" within the string. In order to be counted, the "date" would also need to meet the criteria specified in the formula (e.g. >=7/1/2023).

In the image included here, all the dates shown in bold color are currently counted. My goal is for the formula to count only the dates shown in bold green.


  • This formula successfully accomplishes the result I sought in the question I posted above:

    =ARRAYFORMULA(SUM(IF(LEN(O5:O200),--(REGEXMATCH(TO_TEXT(O5:O200),"(^|,|\s)\s*(" & TEXTJOIN("|",TRUE,ARRAYFORMULA(TEXT(ROW(INDIRECT("A"&DATE(2023,7,1)&":A"&TODAY())),"m/d/yyyy")))&")\s*($|,|\s)")),0)))