I was trying to solve the exercise that says
Exercise 2-7. Write the function rightrot(b, n) which rotates the integer b to the right by n bit positions.
and i did code it, here is the code
#include <stdio.h>
int rightrot(int b, int n) {
char i = 1;
while (n > 0) {
if ((b & i) == i) {
b = b >> 1;
b = b << 25;
b = ~b;
b = b >> 1;
b = ~b;
b = b >> 24;
b = b >> 1;
return b;
int main() {
int i, j, k;
printf("Enter number: ");
scanf("%d", &i);
printf("Enter rotation: ");
scanf("%d", &j);
k = rightrot(i, j);
printf("%d\n", k);
return 0;
inputs and output are
Enter number: 153
Enter rotation: 3
153 in binary is 00000000000000000000000010011001, so when it goes in while loop inside while it goes in if for first time (when n is 3), and as you see inside if there are 6 lines of code with bitwise operators to manipulate b and this is what i think how those 6 lines should change b
and then n is 2 and then other 2 while loops should go through else that i wont explain as if's 6 lines code itself doesn't work as i want them too, i know it because i tested them separately.
Also all that is for i am rotating binary as its 8 bit not 32 bit.
Final output should be 51, and i am using arch linux which is 64 bit fully updated, terminal is st by suckless, text editor is vim, i compiled the code using "gcc main.c -o main".
Final output should be 51
Achievable when unsigned
math is used for b
// int rightrot(int b, int n) {
int rightrot(unsigned b, int n) {
Code like b = b >> 24;
does a sign extended shift right when perhaps a logical shift right is desired.