I want to sync from source to dest, only pass those files with postfix "*.gz"
the tree command of tree root@tt:/source is
├── 20250108
│ └── tt
│ ├── binance
│ │ └── swap
│ │ └── bookticker
│ │ ├── 1000000MOG_USDT.20250108.bin.gz
I tried:
rsync -avP -n -f "+ */*/*/*/*/*.gz" -f "- *" root@tt:/source /dest
rsync -avP -n -f "+ *.gz" -f "- *" root@tt:/source /dest
above two commands matchs none.
could you help on this? ps. i want to keep the directories tree structure, also.
To sync files with the .gz postfix from the source to the destination while preserving the directory structure, you can use the following rsync command:
rsync -avP --include='*/' --include='*.gz' --exclude='*' root@tt:/source/ /dest
includes all directories, --include='*.gz'
includes all .gz
files, and --exclude='*'
excludes all other files.
This command ensures that only .gz files are transferred, and the directory structure is preserved.