I am trying to get the results of a complex query into r for manipulation/ETL. I found SQLove and it sounds like it is exactly the package that would make my life easy. Trying to test it on a simple script-
if (!require("pacman")
) install.packages("pacman")
#add list of libraries here
con <-
driver = "SQL Server",
server = "ClarDbPrd_Alias",
database = "Clarity"
d1 <-
connection = con,
sql_file_path = "S:/QITeam/DataAnalytics/Projects/Frailty/Scripts/test.sql"
The SQL file is a simple Select * to test if the package works
When I run it I get the below error:
Error: unable to find an inherited method for function ‘dbSendUpdate’ for signature ‘conn = "Microsoft SQL Server", statement = "SQL"’
Trying to research the issue, and it looks like dbSendUpdate from the package RJDBC only works for JBDC and not ODBC. Is there a workaround or a different package that makes it this easy to run a script that is in a .sql file type for ODBC? I love the part where it says it cleans up comments and everything as well (both -- and multiline /**/)
I think it is outdated after some research on GitHub for the function.
So I took the code, tweaked it a bit for my purposes, and on a more straightforward SQL script I have for work, it popped results with no problem
# Check to see if pacman is installed
## Install if it is not loaded
if (!require("pacman")
) install.packages("pacman")
# Get needed libraries
# Set up connection
con <-
driver = "SQL Server",
server = "ClarDbPrd_Alias",
database = "Clarity"
# Function to read in SQL file execute all commands and return final query
dbGetMultiQuery <-
connection, # connection set up from dbConnect
sql_file_path # path to the SQL file
) {
#Reading in the SQL file
sql_file <-
#Removing all comments /* and --
## /**/ comments
sql_file <- base::gsub("/\\*.*?\\*/", "", sql_file)
## -- comments
sql_file <- base::gsub("--.*?\\r", "\\\r", sql_file)
## special characters
sql_file <- str_replace_all(sql_file, "[\r\n]", " ")
sql_file <- str_replace_all(sql_file, "[\t]", " ")
## white space before and after to make debugging easier
sql_file <- trimws(sql_file)
# Splitting the SQL file into individual queries
## ignore '; ' because I use that in STRING_AGG
sql_list <- base::strsplit(sql_file, "(?<!')\\;(?! ')", perl = TRUE)
# Get the number of queries
query_length <- base::lengths(sql_list)
#If only 1 query is available, it's a SELECT statement, use DBI::dbGetQuery
if (query_length == 1) {
DBI::dbGetQuery(connection, sql_list[[1]][[1]])
#If more than 1 query is available, dbExecute for all but final statement
} else {
for (i in c(1:(query_length - 1))) {
DBI::dbExecute(connection, DBI::SQL(sql_list[[1]][[i]]))
print(paste("Statement", i, "of", query_length, "complete"))
#Create dataframe from final query statement
DBI::dbGetQuery(connection, sql_list[[1]][[query_length]])
# Test
df1 <-
connection = con,
sql_file_path = "S:/QITeam/DataAnalytics/Projects/Frailty/Scripts/CasesGeriatric_1c.sql"
I hope people run into this if they are looking to do multiple queries in R because I wish I had come across an answer like this when I first started searching on how to do this in R :)