I have a command cf apps
that outputs
This is the true output
name requested state processes routes
accountdivisioncalculator__pte01__performance__0 started web:2/2 accountdivisioncalculator-pte01.dev.schwab.tech, accountdivisioncalculator-pte01-e2e-ad00007734.scp2-test-app-bdv.dev.schwab.com
accountdivisioncalculator__qae01__e2e__0 started web:1/1
How do I access all values of name, and then loop each app name
So the idea is to get the list of all app names and run the cf delete <app_name> so that I can avoid the hassle to delete the apps one by one.
This is the sample output after in run the command
The solution below uses text parsing to convert the tabular text output to objects.
Such an approach is best avoided, but cannot always be, namely if the source CLI lacks support for outputting a structured text format, such as JSON or CSV; indeed that seems to be the case for the CloudFoundry cf
, as of this writing.
Use the following, which makes the following assumptions, which are consistent with your sample data:
# Initialize helper variables.
$propNames = $null
$ohtTemplate = [ordered] @{}
# Parse the tabular CLI output into objects.
$appInfos =
cf apps |
Where-Object { $_ } | # remove empty lines
ForEach-Object {
$fields = ($_ -split ' {2,}').Trim()
if ($null -eq $propNames) {
$propNames = $fields
foreach ($propName in $propNames) {
$ohtTemplate[$propName] = $null
foreach ($i in 0..($propNames.Count-1)) {
if ($i -lt $fields.Count) {
$ohtTemplate[$propNames[$i]] = $fields[$i]
else {
$ohtTemplate[$propNames[$i]] = $null
[pscustomobject] $ohtTemplate
# Output the resulting objects, for visual inspection.
The above emits custom objects whose property names correspond to the table header, and whose values contain a row's column values (which are all stored as strings).
PowerShell's for-display output-formatting system conveniently renders the resulting objects as follows:
name requested state processes routes
---- --------------- --------- ------
accountdivisioncalculator__pte01__performance__0 started web:2/2 accountdivisioncalculator-pte01.dev.schwab.tech, accountdivisioncalculator-pte01-e2e-ad00007734.scp2-tes…
accountdivisioncalculator__qae01__e2e__0 started web:1/1
To get just the names, for instance, as an array, using member-access enumeration, use $appInfos.name
# Output from `$appInfos.name`
To get just the first app's name, use $appInfos[0].name
Of course, you can use $appInfos | ForEach-Object { <# work with $_ #> }
, foreach ($app in $appInfos) { <# work with $app #> }
or $appInfos.ForEach({ <# work with $_ #> })
, as usual, to iterate over all app infos.