
How can I apply name=value tags to service principals in Azure?

I'm having trouble determining a clear answer on tagging Service Principals as the documentation seems to say you can't do it ( while several github and other resources have a command for it like so:

az ad sp update --id <service_principal_id> --add tags "<tag_key>=<tag_value>"

To confirm, I created a Service Principal in my private portal instance for test purposes. I played with it a bit and believe this code should be correct:

$sp = Get-AzADServicePrincipal -DisplayName "tempdelete"
$tags = @{"name"="value"}
Set-AzResource -ResourceId $sp.Id -Tag $tags

When I do this, I get the following error:

az account set --subscription <mysubid>
Set-AzResource: MissingSubscription : The request did not have a subscription or a valid tenant level resource provider.
CorrelationId: <some correlation id that changes every time>

The app is part of that subscription (it's my only subscription) and I'm not sure what I need to change to make this work.


  • There are no particular tags for service principal. Tags will only support azure resources.

    Alternatively, you can assign the tag name and tag values using notes. For reference check below-

    az ad sp update --id '12345-11bc-123-456-57d4362d6ee9' --set notes="Tag: Env=dev"
    az ad sp show --id '123457-17bc-4f0a-b432-abcdefgh'

    enter image description here

    You can also filter the application based on the tag value and tag name

    az ad sp list --query "[?notes!=null && contains(notes, 'Tag: Env=dev')]" --all --output json

    enter image description here