My Tabulator table uses tickCross in one column - I am interested in having javascript turn on the tick mark - actively - using javascript to tick it, without manually pressing the box. I was able to insert it using javascript, however when I save the file to a cvs, it is not included in the file when I reload. Right now I must manually click the checkmark "on" for it to save in the file. Is it possible to activate the tickCross checkmark using javascript (as though I clicked it) and still have it save with the file?
You can use this for multiple
{ id: "row1" , "example": true }
or this for one
table.updateCell("row1", "example", true);
Here is a running example.
const table = new Tabulator("#example-table", {
height: "311px",
layout: "fitColumns",
columns: [
{ title: "ID", field: "id", width: 150 },
{ title: "Example", field: "example", formatter: "tickCross", formatterParams: { allowTruthy: true }
data: [
{ id: "row1", example: false },
{ id: "row2", example: false }
document.getElementById("update-button").addEventListener("click", function() {
id: 'row1', // update by id
example: true
<script src=""></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<h1>Tabulator TickCross Example</h1>
<div id="example-table"></div>
<button id="update-button">Update First Row</button>